[Ohio-Talk] World mental health awareness day

marianne at denningweb.com marianne at denningweb.com
Mon Oct 10 19:47:15 UTC 2022

Today is world mental health awareness day. I hope everyone in the NFB of OH
is doing a regular check of your mental health. Many of us are advocates for
ourselves and others. This is critical work that we feel strongly to help
with but it is important that we maintain good mental health practices so we
can remain strong advocates. Remember, your mental health is as important as
your physical health. Here are some questions you can ask yourself on a
regular basis to complete a DIY mental health assessment.

1.	Have I been getting quality sleep with regular bed times and getting
up times?
2.	Have I been isolating myself from others at work, friends, or
3.	Do I have more worries or anxiety than usual?  Maybe use a scale of
4.	Have I lost interest in activities and pursuits that usually held my
5.	Have I felt more sad than happy lately?
6.	Do I feel at ease with myself and my surroundings?
7.	Do you feel that your life is appropriately balanced between work,
fun, friends, family, self-care, exercise, and other meaningful pursuits?
8.	Do you have trouble concentrating?
9.	Have you been experiencing significant mood swings, crying, or
thoughts of suicide?
10.	Are you overly fatigued or tired at the end of the day?  How about
at the end of the week?
11.	Has your appetite or eating habits changed in any way recently?

You can keep a journal to track your overall mental health.

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