[Ohio-Talk] Autism Awareness Month April 2023 | IACC

Ali Benmerzouga ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 16 16:09:30 UTC 2023

Hi Chris,
Thanks for sharing!
Take care.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ohio-Talk <ohio-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Christopher Sabine via Ohio-Talk
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2023 11:25 AM
To: NFB of Ohio Announcement List <ohio-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Christopher Sabine <info at onhconsulting.com>
Subject: Re: [Ohio-Talk] Autism Awareness Month April 2023 | IACC

Dr. Peters. That is an excellent list of resources for Autism Awareness month. I also wanted to share the following article from the latest issue of Future Reflections January, 2023. The author’s experience with being on the Autism Spectrum has some parallels to mine, in that a lot of the social difficulties I experienced were attributed to blindness. This guy also has a ROP diagnosis, which is closely tied to ASD.


American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults
Future Reflections       Winter 2023      JOURNEYS

(back<https://nfb.org/images/nfb/publications/fr/fr42/1/fr420106.htm>) (contents<https://nfb.org/images/nfb/publications/fr/fr42/1/fr4201tc.htm>) (next<https://nfb.org/images/nfb/publications/fr/fr42/1/fr420108.htm>)

Disability Intersections: Blindness and Autism

by Matt Langland

Reprinted from Braille Monitor, Volume 66, Number 2, February 2023 Originally published in the Minnesota Bulletin, Spring 2022

[Matt Langland]From the Editor: The intersection of blindness and autism poses a unique set of challenges for parents and educators as well as for the many people who live with dual disabilities. In this article Matt Langland shares his story of growing up as a blind person who also has autistic characteristics. He calls on people in the National Federation of the Blind to widen the conversation around blindness and additional disabilities.

I was born sixteen weeks premature in June 1986. When I was a few months old, it was discovered that I had retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). While a small amount of vision in my right eye was saved, I am legally blind. When I was about six months old, the teacher of blind students came to visit with my parents and started conducting home visits with me. My mom researched as much about blindness as she possibly could and attended her first NFB convention in 1987 to learn more.

I learned that I was considered a blind person when I was around three or four. It did not bother me that much since I had usable vision. Another funny thing was happening, though. I was also different in other ways. Not only was I blind, but other interesting behaviors were appearing.

From when I was as young as I can remember, I developed an obsession with vacuum cleaners. This obsession eventually wore off when I started school. I also would get bent out of shape and throw temper tantrums when plans changed or things did not go exactly as I wanted. I liked routines and for things to stay the same, and if they did not, that would upset me. I would get upset at the silliest little things such as plans changing unexpectedly.

Interacting with kids my own age sometimes felt forced. My mom had a few birthday parties for me when I was young, inviting kids from preschool or day care whom I knew. I struggled to play with them, as I preferred to be antisocial.

By the time I entered kindergarten, the main issue to be dealt with was my blindness. I was starting to learn both Braille and print. I relied mostly on enlarged print for my schoolwork, and I would read some books for fun in Braille. Since my vision was quite usable and I could read print, I decided at this point that I was only visually impaired, not blind. My mom tried to tell me that I was legally blind and that I really should consider myself blind, but I was insistent that, because I could see something, I was not blind. Teachers made sure I got all the accommodations I needed, such as explaining everything written on the board. I proceeded through elementary, middle, and high school in this way.

I continued to find strange new obsessions and preoccupations throughout elementary school. I started spending my free time listening to the local radio station, KTRF. I memorized the phone numbers for about every business in town. A few times I would call the businesses after hours to find out if they had answering machines and see what they said. I never had any reason to call these places; I just liked memorizing phone numbers. In fact, I did not want to talk to anyone on the phone. I had a phone phobia of sorts. If I had to talk on the phone to anyone, I would tense up, my throat would dry out, and my voice would lock up and start shaking when I attempted to talk. It was not until I got into high school that I started to conquer this fear of talking on the phone.

I had other obsessions, such as walking through the city campground on a nightly basis all summer so I could observe the campers. I also continued to struggle when plans changed or my planned routine did not pan out as I hoped.

In 1996 my mom attempted to take me to my first NFB convention in Anaheim, California. She would attend meetings for parents while I attended kids' camp. She thought it would be a great experience for me in terms of learning more about blindness and meeting positive blind role models. I had absolutely no interest. On the first day she tried to drop me off at kids' camp, I was so scared that I was crying and screaming out of fear of the unknown. I was expected to go off with all these people, knowing none of them, and make a day of it, taking the train from Los Angeles down to San Diego to visit an aquarium, among other activities. I still had the mindset that I was visually impaired, not blind, and I had no interest in the convention. Since I had just turned ten, it was out of character for a child of my age to be throwing a temper tantrum over having to leave their mother's side for a day. I can only imagine what the people around me must have been thinking!

NFB philosophy says that blind children can have all the same opportunities as sighted children and that nothing should hold them back. This incident made me look like a poorly socialized blind child; and it made my mother feel that she had failed. Other kids my age would just say, "Bye, Mom, see you later." I did not. I could not handle being with unfamiliar people in unfamiliar places. I was too afraid of something bad happening when nobody I was comfortable with was around. I had a fear of trying to interact with new people.

When I was in fourth or fifth grade, a year or two after the NFB convention incident, my mom approached me and said she had read an article and figured out I had something called Asperger's, now commonly referred to as autism spectrum disorder. I had never heard of this before, and I remember my first reaction was hating the sound of the word. My mom explained that this was why I had strange obsessions, liked routines, did not like change of plans, and did not interact well with my peers. Now she would have more understanding when I would lose it over a change in plans, and she could understand my obsessions. My parents and teacher of the blind immediately decided that we would not mention this to teachers, write it up in my IEP, or bring any attention to it in the school setting. It was thought that teachers would be stressed enough to have a blind student in their class. If we added autism to the mix, I would create unnecessary stress on my teachers. Besides, my autism did not have any effect on my academic abilities, only my social skills.

Through my K-12 school years, I had basically zero association with my peers outside the school environment. My peers in school pretty much left me alone. Luckily I never really got teased, picked on, or bullied. No girl in high school ever tried to ask me out on a date, I never attended a school dance, and nobody invited me to a gathering of any kind. I did not want to participate in any of these activities anyway. I probably would have declined if asked. My weirdness was attributed to my blindness. My participation in Key Club and the speech team was all I could handle.

Not wanting to leave the comforts of home made me decide to stay in Thief River Falls after graduating high school and take classes at the local community college. In the spring of my first year of college, I obtained a job as a people greeter at Walmart. It was the perfect job for me while I was in school. It gave me work experience, a social outlet interacting with my co-workers, and customer service skills. I had no problem putting a happy face on and saying, "Welcome to Walmart!" in a friendly tone. Small talk conversation was never a problem for me, but developing any long-lasting friendship or getting to know people my age on a deeper level just did not exist. I worked with a lot of fellow college students at Walmart and even had classes with some of them, so the job really helped me learn to be better socialized.

As I was finishing my associate's degree, I had a conversation with my parents where autism got brought up. They indicated it was still an issue I had to deal with. I said I did not understand why, since I functioned fine on a day-to-day level. My dad said, "Name a person in their early twenties, like you, who has absolutely zero close friends." It was sort of a revelation, in that it made me think my autism was affecting me more than I realized. I lived at home with my parents, so I received all my social and emotional support through them. I knew that blindness was my visible disability, and I would need accommodations for the rest of my life. It dawned on me that I needed to become more independent than I was. These things were partially due to being autistic but also due to my lack of confidence as a blind person. I needed to build my own friend circle.

I decided the answer to building my independence skills and building myself a social life was training at BLIND, Inc. While in training, I was able to attend two major events, Day at the Capitol and Washington Seminar. I could take my strong interest in politics and in blindness, an issue that impacted me personally, and I could combine them to advocate for other blind people. I jumped in and have never looked back.

Thanks to the support of the National Federation of the Blind, I found the confidence to do things I could only have dreamed of. I learned to live independently, and I obtained my bachelor's degree in social science, which I was not sure I ever wanted to do after my associate's degree. I also added a master's in advocacy and political leadership. I thank the Federation for giving me a social life and a place to feel welcome when there are so few places where I ever have fit in.

Still, very few people are aware that I am on the autism spectrum except for my immediate family and a few close friends. It is not something I advertise. To this day, it is my thought that I got a pass on my social skills in school, as teachers and peers attributed my social oddities to my blindness while not realizing there might have been something more to it. If I were just autistic and not blind, the autism may have needed to be addressed in school. Maybe my parents would have figured out I was on the autism spectrum sooner. I believe this may still be the case in some social situations today. How much of my social awkwardness can be attributed to blindness and how much is related to being autistic is a question I do not have an answer for. Another question to explore is: How many people are there in which another disability such as blindness is masking their autism, as mine did for many years?

In the NFB we are starting to talk more about multiple disabilities and people are labeling themselves as both blind and autistic. I am glad to see this conversation starting, since this secret is something I have had difficulty sharing, and I have covered it up for a long time. Sometimes we have a tendency to jump to conclusions and connect every single little social struggle to a blind person being poorly socialized. Maybe we should ask ourselves what other hidden disabilities or struggles one may be having besides blindness. These questions do not have clear and easy answers. As we in the National Federation of the Blind further explore the interactions around blindness, autism, and multiple disabilities, I would love to be a part of the conversation.

From: Ohio-Talk <ohio-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of carolyn peters via Ohio-Talk
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2023 6:27 PM
To: Ohio Talk <ohio-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: carolyn peters <drcarolyn-peters at att.net>
Subject: [Ohio-Talk] Autism Awareness Month April 2023 | IACC

From the National Federation Of The Blind Ohio diversity, equity and inclusion committee, please read https://iacc.hhs.gov/meetings/autism-awareness-month/2023/
Autism Awareness Month 2023
[Colorful hands reaching high]

In celebration of Autism Awareness Month, the Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC)/National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) honors the contribution of people on the autism spectrum and the autism community to our nation and the world. We join the United Nations and the U.S. government in recognizing the needs of people on the autism spectrum and their families. Our office recognizes the need for supporting, understanding, accepting, including, and empowering of people on the autism spectrum. Throughout the month of April, we will be updating this page with the latest news and events.

[White House Logo]<https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/03/31/a-proclamation-on-world-autism-awareness-day-2023/>

The White House, President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

March 31, 2023

In honor of World Autism Awareness Day, President Joseph R. Biden released to a proclamation to recognize the achievements of neurodiverse people and to reiterate his Administration’s commitment to supporting the equal rights and dignity of all those on the autism spectrum. President Biden highlights recent achievements in the autism field, including support for home- and community-based services, the reauthorization of Kevin and Avonte’s Law, and boosting employment opportunities.
[United Nations Flag]<https://www.un.org/en/observances/autism-day/messages>

UN Secretary General António Guterres

April 2, 2023

In honor of World Autism Awareness Day, UN Secretary General António Guterres released a statement to promote the contributions and rights of people on the autism spectrum. He stated, "We must do better - by promoting inclusive education, equal employment opportunities, self-determination, and an environment where every person is respected."
[Autism Speaks]<https://www.autismspeaks.org/news/letter-autism-speaks-ceo-world-autism-month>

Autism Speaks

March 30, 2023
In honor of World Autism Month<https://www.autismspeaks.org/world-autism-month>, Autism Speaks commits to their vision of a world where all people with autism can reach their full potential. This includes access to information and services as a universal right, regardless of geographical or societal boundaries. Autism Speaks’ CEO Keith Wargo commits to listening; funding research, grants, and scholarship; lobbying for insurance and other benefits nationwide; and investing in enhancing and creating new services.
[Autism Society Logo which is their name and colorful lines]<https://autismsociety.org/press-release-the-autism-society-of-america-kicks-off-autism-acceptance-month-with-a-reminder-acceptance-happens-every-day/>

Autism Society

March 23, 2023

During Autism Awareness Month, the Autism Society is highlighting the diversity of experiences and needs of individuals on the autism spectrum, stating that acceptance happens every day. In the coming year, Autism Society plans to expand its efforts to increase provider training and accessibility to vaccination, deliver first responder training, increase employment rates and advocate for fair wages, and deepen their focus on health equity.


April 2023

During the month of April, OCALI is sharing information and resources to support people on the autism spectrum across the lifespan, form early childhood to adulthood. Each week they will feature resources on different topics from the Autism Center, Center for the Young Child, Lifespan Transitions Center, the Family and Community Outreach Center, and the Office of Policy. Click the link above to view these resources.

[Autism Science Foundation Logo which includes dots onnected by lines]<https://autismsciencefoundation.org/day-of-learning/>

Autism Science Foundation

March 30, 2023; 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. ET

Autism Science Foundation’s Day of Learning is a conference that features TED-style talks. These conferences bring top researchers together with autism stakeholders to share cutting-edge research findings and to discuss priority issues.
[United Nations Flag]<https://www.un.org/en/observances/autism-day>

United Nations

April 2, 2023; 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET

In recent years, due to the efforts of advocates, more researchers and academics are incorporating the neurodiversity paradigm into their work. This has resulted in the moving the narrative away from curing autism and towards accepting, supporting, and including autistic people, their allies, and the wider neurodiversity community. At this event, autistic people from around the world will discuss this transformation and how it can be used to overcome barriers and improve the lives of people on the autism spectrum.
[IACC Logo]</meetings/iacc-meetings/2023/full-committee-meeting/april4/>

Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC)

Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 10:00 a.m. ET

The purpose of the IACC meeting is to discuss business, agency updates, and issues related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) research and services activities. Members will hear an update on autism prevalence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and perspectives on disparities. The meeting will be held virtually and is open to the public.
[Indian Health Service Logo]<https://www.ihs.gov/teleeducation/webinar-archives/?file=2023-04-12_AutismPanel_flyer.pdf&doaction=download>

Indian Health Service (IHS)

Wednesday, April 12, 2023; 12:00 p.m. ET

In celebration of Autism Awareness Month, the purpose of this webinar is to provide American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) parents the opportunity to share their stories as parents of children with Autism. This webinar will serve as a safe place for healthcare providers and community members to become more aware of the unique experiences of AI/AN families and to ask questions.
[Autism Aliance of Canada]<https://www.autismalliance.ca/cals/#program>

Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorder Alliance (CASDA)

April 17-19, 2023

This year the theme of CASDA’s annual summit is “Building a More Inclusive Canada.” The goal of this summit is to advance Canada’s autism strategy and to strengthen the autism community’s collective voice.
[National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)]<https://www.niehs.nih.gov/news/events/autism/index.cfm>

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

April 20, 2023; 1:00 p.m. ET

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) will host a special event titled "Identifying Early Brain Markers in Infancy in Autism and Associated Developmental Disabilities" for World Autism Awareness Month on Thursday, April 20, 2023 from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET. This event will feature Dr. Mark Shen, Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
[Indian Health Service Logo]<https://www.ihs.gov/teleeducation/webinar-archives/?file=6507_2023-04-27_flyer_FINAL.pdf&doaction=download>

Indian Health Service (IHS)

April 27, 2023; 2:00 p.m. ET

This webinar will focus on developing providers’ skills in the early identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) markers, understanding of ASD-specific screening tools, with an in-depth discussion on the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) and utilizing ASD screening tools in clinics. Focus will also include discussion of follow-up steps to take when a child is identified as “at risk.” Teaching tools will include a resource page, decision tree charts and quick facts for providers.

Reverend Dr. Carolyn Peters, National Federation Of The Blind, Ohio, affiliate, vice president, Ohio Communities Of Faith division, president, Miami Valley Chapter, Dayton, Ohio president. 1-937-657-5134,

Dr.carolyn.peters at gmail.com☺️👏🙏🤲
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