[Ohio-Talk] Information to keep in mind and general news.

Richard Payne rchpay7 at gmail.com
Wed May 22 14:50:39 UTC 2024

Dear Federation Family,

Over the last few weeks, I have been trying to confirm background checks for
those who have volunteered for our BELL Academy and to finalize plans.

This program takes a lot of heavy lifting before the program gets started
and while several items have kept me busy it reminds me of how dedicated the
membership has always been.

I want to encourage you to send monetary donations to the state treasurer
and to make your checks out to NFB of Ohio and not to Kathy for this program
that is all about the kids. 

You may send your checks to the following address.

1916 15th Street SW
Akron, OH 44314

I find it extremely rewarding to have the opportunity to do the grass roots
work in the Federation and a couple of weeks ago I got the chance to work
with Gloria and the Cincinnati members at the flying pig event. The table
that we were offered was rewarded to us because of our committed efforts
over the years. I do see several ways that we can bring in more money to the
affiliate but for now the focus is on our national convention.

I hope those of you who have decided to attend have made all the
arrangements that you need to have a particularly good convention and do not
forget about the virtual component.

	If you put in a request before the deadline then you and I should
have already talked about the amount of support that the state will be
awarding you if not then reach out to me,

I thank those who will be assisting with the STEM 2U program and 	both

 May 23rd, 2024 (Thursday) from 3:30-7:30 pm

 Held at The Ohio State School for the Blind (OSSB) in Columbus with the
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

I also had an opportunity to attend the Columbus chapter meeting and Annette
does an excellent job with that chapter she reached out to the state earlier
this year to get assistance in building the membership which the chapter has
been brainstorming to find new members.

When I was in Mississippi, we did not have large chapters but a few
dedicated members, this certainly shows in the Columbus chapter.

Honor Roll Call:
	Convention time is here, which means it is the Honor Roll Call time
of year! The Honor Roll Call is when affiliates and national divisions
support our sustaining funds: Kenneth Jernigan Fund, SUN shares, White Cane
Fund, and Jacobus tenBroek Memorial Fund. To make your 2024 contributions,
write a check payable to National Federation of the Blind and mail it to 200
East Wells Street; Baltimore, Maryland, 21230, Attention: Fiscal Services -
Roll Call and write "Roll Call" in the check memo. Please send an email to
rollcall at nfb.org <mailto:rollcall at nfb.org>  detailing the amount to go to
each fund and the name of the organization, so that we record the
contributions correctly. All pre-convention contributions will be
acknowledged on our website. If your organization is making a pledge to be
paid later this year, please send an email to rollcall at nfb.org
<mailto:rollcall at nfb.org>  telling us how much is being pledged for each
fund and when we can expect the check. All pledges should be fulfilled by
August 31, 2024.
 I am also asking that chapters and divisions in Ohio do this so you will
not need to count on me or anyone else to get your contributions in. For
those who wish to offset what the affiliate contributes please send the
funds to Kathy and note which funds you wish for them to be applied to.

Last night the membership committee put on a seminar for those who have been
in the Federation for five years or less.

Kathy and William done a very good job and our new members that could attend
was very happy to have the seminar.

We will also try to set up a meeting to offer all our members a chance to
learn more about the Federation so keep looking out for dates and times.

Dream Big! Give $25 Drive Launches May 16:
	We announced the launch of our Dream Big! Give $25 Drive on the May
Presidential Release. This year we have some new elements to encourage
magnification of our messaging and peer-to-peer fundraising. When you give
$25 or more between May 16 and July 6, you're entered into the Dream Big:
Give $25 Drive Drawing. Each $25 increment is a chance to win! Why "Dream
Big"? Because blindness does not hold you back. You could win prizes like
roundtrip transportation for two to the 2025 NFB National Convention, hotel
accommodations, registration, banquet tickets, or $2,000 cash! Thanks to our
partners at APH and HumanWare, you could also win a Monarch-a dynamic
tactile device! New this year, friends and family can make donations in your
honor, and you will get extra entries. The drive supports funds like the
Kenneth Jernigan Fund and the White Cane Fund, and you can choose one when
you donate. To enter, visit nfb.org/Give25Donate; call 410-659-9314,
extension 2430; or send a check to National Federation of the Blind and
mention #Give25 and the fund in the memo. The winner will be announced July
8, 2024. Thank you for your generosity.
Voting Accessibility:
	We are during primary voting season and have a presidential election
approaching in November. If you are a registered voter, you have the legal
right to cast your private and independent ballot. As we make our way
through this election year, it is important to ensure that your vote is both
private and independent. The Help America Vote Act requires all polling
stations during federal elections to have one accessible ballot-marking
device available. It is the polling place's responsibility that these
devices are set up and ready for use by the start of election day as well as
having trained poll workers to operate the machines. If your state permits
remote voting options, this process must also be accessible, thereby
providing privacy and independence. Instances that do not provide
accessibility, whether you voted in person or remotely, can be reported to
the Department of Justice. We at the NFB are also interested to hear why
your voting experience did not go as planned so feel free to contact Jeff
Kaloc at 410-659-9314, extension 2206, or jkaloc at nfb.org
<mailto:jkaloc at nfb.org> . Here is the information to file a complaint with
the Department of Justice: 
*	By complaint form at
*	By email at voting.section at usdoj.gov
<mailto:voting.section at usdoj.gov> 
*	By telephone at 800-253-3931 (toll free)
*	By telephone at 202-307-2767
*	By fax at 202-307-3961
Blind Businesswoman Vindicated and Awarded over $30,000 by Jury in Federal
Equal Access Case: 
	We supported recent ADA litigation. A jury in the United States
District Court for the Northern District of California rendered a verdict in
favor of Lisamaria Martinez, a blind entrepreneur, in her equal access
lawsuit against the County of Alameda. The jury found that the county
Clerk-Recorder's Office deliberately violated her rights under the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California law. Read and share the full
press release.
May Boutique-Document Creation:
	There are different options for accessible word processors. Join our
document-creation-software boutique on May 28 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. to learn
about the features and accessibility of some popular options. Register
today. <https://nfb.org/form/accessibility-boutique-reg> 
Dates to Keep in Mind:
(all times eastern)
*	July 3-8, 2024: National Convention; Orlando, Florida
Introduction to the Organized Blind Movement
*	Wednesday, May 8, 8:00 p.m.
*	Wednesday, August 7, 8:00 p.m. 
*	Wednesday, November 6, 8:00 p.m. 
Chapter Presidents Calls
*	Thursday, June 13, and Sunday, June 16, at 8:00 p.m. 
*	Thursday, September 12, and Sunday, September 15, at 8:00 p.m. 
*	Thursday, December 19, and Sunday, December 22, at 8:00 p.m. 

Richard Payne,  President
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Rchpay7 at gmail.com <mailto:Rchpay7 at gmail.com> 
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.

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