AGENDA 68th Annual Convention October 30 to November 2, 2014 The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back. Table of Contents_Toc402122177 NFB Pledge 2 About the NFB of Ohio 2 Navigating the Holiday Inn, Worthington 2 Convention Arrangements and Literature 3 Registration and Literature 3 Door Prizes 3 Guide Dogs 4 Thursday, October 30, 2014 4 Friday, October 31, 2014 4 Saturday, November 1 6 Sunday, November 2 10 2014 Board of Directors 11 Sponsor Honor Roll 13 NFB Pledge I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its constitution. About the NFB of Ohio The National Federation of the Blind of Ohio is a statewide organization composed primarily of blind Ohioans. It is the state affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind, Inc., a national-membership organization which holds nonprofit tax-exempt status under Section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. It is not an organization speaking for the blind; it is the blind speaking for themselves. Navigating the Holiday Inn, Worthington by Barbara Pierce The Holiday Inn, Worthington, is located at 7007 North High Street. You enter the building on the second floor—sleeping rooms are on all three floors. But all the meeting rooms are located on the second floor. When you step through the front door, you are facing south. The check-in desk is on your right, on the west wall of the lobby. When you finish checking in, turn 180 degrees so that you are facing east with your back to the desk. Walk about ten feet and turn right, south. Walk twenty-five feet. You will find a wall in front of you with the Adams Room slightly to the right and the restaurant, Connections, to the left. You can turn left and travel east about thirty feet, looking for a hallway to the right. The Worthington Ballroom is at the south end of this hall. If at the Adams Room you turn right, west, instead of left, you are heading toward the North Exhibit Area. On the right is the swimming pool, and on the left is a blank wall, which is the north wall of the ballroom. This area dead-ends into the Patio doors and a wall. You can turn right and travel about forty feet to a left turn, which is the north wing of sleeping rooms. The elevator for these rooms is at the extreme west end of this hall. If you turn left, south, at the Patio doors, you will find yourself in the foyer to the Griswold D, C, B, and A Rooms, which constitute the ballroom. The Griswold Rooms open on the east side of the foyer, with D at the north end and A at the south end. Halfway along Griswold C, an east-west hallway goes west from the foyer. Six meeting rooms, three on each side, open into this hall. The rooms are, east to west, on the south, left, side of the hall: Wright Room, the Stansbury Room, and the Morrison Room. On the north, right, side are the John Snow Room, the McGregor Room, and the Chase Room. Note that restrooms are located before these meeting rooms, just after the right turn. The women's room is on the left, just before the Wright Room, and the men's room is on the right, just before the John Snow Room. This is the south wing, and the sleeping rooms follow the meeting rooms. The elevator is at the extreme west end of the hall, but you must jog to the right to find it. Convention Arrangements and Literature If you have any questions about convention arrangements, contact Karen Warner, Convention coordinator. Registration and Literature NFB literature will be available during registration hours in the Griswold Foyer Area Friday, October 31, from 11:00 am to 1:20 pm and 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm; and Saturday, November 1, from 8:30 am to 8:50 am Door Prizes Door prizes should be labeled clearly in print and Braille with the donor's name and the amount of cash or type of gift. Paul Dressell is in charge of door prizes. They may be brought to him directly or left in Convention Registration. Guide Dogs If you have a problem with your dog or need advice or assistance, contact Deanna Lewis (513-328-7976), president of our guide dog division, or Debbie Baker (937-206-2935). The relief area is located outside of the Convention Center Entrance. These doors are sliding glass doors off of the Griswold Ballroom foyer area. A trash receptacle will be outside the doors for your convenience. Thursday, October 30, 2014 7:00–9:00 pm Board of Directors Meeting, Chase Room Friday, October 31, 2014 10:00 to Noon Employment Workshop Chase Room 10:00–10:55 am Doing Work We Love. What will you do when you grow up? Anything you want. Three Blind professionals will talk about their chosen careers and their successes and how the work they do benefits others. Moderator: Deborah Kendrick, writer and technology trainer Panelists: Kelly Schlafman, Oral Care Global Business Services Leader, Procter & Gamble; Robert Bosken, IT Specialist and Management Analyst, Office of Executive Operations and Human Resources, Social Security Administration; and Marianne Denning, teacher of the visually impaired 11:00–11:55 am Braille Is Cool – and It Gets Jobs! Two blind professionals and one full-time student will examine ways in which Braille literacy has played an integral role in doing the work they love. Introduced by Deborah Kendrick, writer and teacher of Braille Panelists: Dr. Michael Lichstein, clinical psychologist; Annette Lutz, business enterprise operator; Kaiti Shelton, music therapy major, University of Dayton 11:00 am—1:20 pm Convention Registration, Griswold Foyer 1:30 pm Call to Order of General Session and Opening Remarks, Worthington Ballroom Eric Duffy, President 1:35 pm Welcome to Columbus Shelbi Hindel, President, Capital Chapter 1:45 pm Convention Arrangements Karen Warner 1:50 pm Roll Call of Chapters Shelbi Hindel, Secretary 2:00 pm Preparing the Teachers of Blind Children, Danene Fast, the Ohio State University 2:10 pm National Report Marc Maurer, Immediate Past President, National Federation of the Blind 2:45 pm Rehabilitation Services in Ohio Kevin Miller, Director Opportunities for Ohioans With Disabilities, and Melinda Duncan, Director Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired 3:15 pm Recess 3:30–4:30 pm Members at Large Chapter Meeting, Chase Room Colleen Roth, President 3:30–4:30 pm Ohio Association of Blind Merchants Meeting, Wright Room Annette Lutz, President 4:40–5:10 pm Nominating Committee Meeting, Stansbury Room Sherry Ruth , Chair 5:20 pm Resolutions Committee Meeting, Stansbury Room Deborah Kendrick, Chair 7:00 pm The Beatles and More from 1964 with the John Schwab Band, Griswold Foyer Auction Tables 7:30 pm Arthur Schreiber shares his Beatles experiences, Griswold Ballrooms Saturday, November 1 7:00–8:00 am Diabetes Action Network of Ohio (DAN) Breakfast, Connections Wanda Sloan, President 7:30–8:45 am National Association to Promote the Use of Braille (NAPUB) Continental Breakfast Meeting, Worthington Ballroom Barbara Pierce, President 9:00 am Call to Order of General Session, Griswold Ballrooms A and B Eric Duffy, President 9:05 am The Blind and the Ohio General Assembly Working Together to Create a Better Future for the Blind The Honorable John Barnes 9:25 am The KNFB Reader on the iPhone: Go Totally Mobile Aleeha Dudley 9:40 am Why I am a Federationist Patricia Eschbach 10:05 am Report from the Talking Book Library Tracy Grimm, Ohio Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled 10:35 am Building the Federation and the Brand Richard Payne and Marc Maurer 11:15 am Charles Bonet Syndrome Rosa Jones and Charlene Bolton 11:35 am Reports and Resolutions 12:00 noon Recess Those who have ordered boxed lunches can pick them up in the Griswold Foyer. Only those with tickets will be served. 12:15 pm Parents of Blind Children Division Lunch Meeting, Chase Room Carol Akers, and Cindy Conley, Co-Presidents 12:15 pm Ohio Organization of the Senior Blind, Wright Room Barbara Fohl, President 12:15 pm Student Division Pizza Party, Stansbury Room Kaiti Shelton, President 12:15 pm Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users, McGregor Room Deanna Lewis, President 2:00 pm Call to Order of General Session, Griswold Ballrooms A and B Eric Duffy, President 2:05 pm Paratransit: What Is It, and How Does It Work? Central Ohio Transit Authority, (COTA), Columbus, Ohio 2:25 pm The Organized Blind and the United States Senate: a Report from the Office of Senator Rob Portman Stephen White, Director, Columbus Office for Senator Rob Portman 2:45 pm I Attended a World-Class Training Center for the Blind: My Experience at the Louisiana Center for the Blind Macy McClain 3:00 pm ICANCONNECT Serving Blind Ohioans Gayle Stanford, Program Support Specialist, Columbus Speech and Hearing Center 3:20 pm You Can Ring My BELL 4:00 pm Working Together to Create Positive Change for the Blind of Ohio Kerstin Sjoberg-Witt, Director of Advocacy and Assistant Executive Director, Ohio Disability Rights Law and Policy Center Inc. 4:20 pm STEM2U Columbus Ashley Russell, MBA, CHES, Director of Health and Medicine Initiatives, COSI Lillie Pennington, Cincinnati 4:40 pm Reports and Resolutions 5:00 pm Recess 5:30–6:15 pm Social Hour with Cash Bar, Griswold Foyer 6:15 pm Annual Banquet Richard Payne, Master of Ceremonies Banquet Address, Marc Maurer, NFB National Representative Affiliate Awards Scholarship Awards We would like to thank the Norwalk Ohio Lions for generously supporting our Scholarship Program. Money for the Movement, honor roll call of chapters, divisions, and individuals 9:00 pm – 1:00 am Post-Banquet activities with cash bar: Games, Stansbury Room Music and Singing, McGregor Room Don't forget to turn your clocks back. Sunday, November 2 7:15 am Leadership Breakfast for Chapter and Division Presidents and Treasurers, Griswold Ballroom C 9:00 am Call to Order of the General Session, Griswold Ballrooms A and B Eric Duffy, President 9:05 am Raising a Blind Child the Federation Way Crystal and Mark McClain 9:25 am Presidential Report Eric Duffy 9:40 am Historical Highlights Marc Maurer, Paul Dressell, and Barbara Pierce 10:10 am NFB Philosophy, Audience Discussion Deborah Kendrick, Shelbi Hindel, and Marc Maurer 11:00 am Treasurer’s Report Sherry Ruth 11:10 am Report of the Nominating Committee Sherry Ruth, Chair 11:20 am Affiliate Elections 11:40 am Reports and Resolutions Noon Adjournment 2014 Board of Directors Officers Terms ending 2014 President: Eric Duffy (614) 377-9877 P.O. Box 82055, Columbus, OH 43202 First Vice President: Richard Payne (937) 829-3368 1019 Wilmington Ave., Apt. 43, Kettering OH 45420 Second Vice President: Barbara Fohl (440) 964-7824 1116 Thayer Ave., Ashtabula, OH 44004 Secretary: Shelbi Hindel (614) 558-8059 185 Crestview Road, Columbus, OH 43202 Treasurer: Sherry Ruth (440) 324-4218 6922 Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria, OH 44035 Members at Large 2012-2014 Crystal McClain (937) 935-6188 701 Stonehollow Place, Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 2013-2015 Sheri Albers (513) 886-8697 123 Queens Road Milford, OH 45150 Debbie Baker (937) 206-2935 1107 Burt St., Springfield, OH 45055 Susan Day (937) 701-8434 4487 Bascule Bridge Drive, Beavercreek, Ohio 45440 Deborah Kendrick (513) 321-2228 or (513) 673-4474 2848 Ridgewood Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45213-1062 Barbara Pierce (440) 774-8077 237 Oak Street Oberlin, Ohio 44074 William Turner (216) 355-4577 1064 E. 167th St., Cleveland OH 44110-1523 Sponsor Honor Roll Silver Sponsors Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Cincinnati, Ohio Offering blind and visually impaired people the opportunity to seek independence Disability Rights, Columbus, Ohio Disability Rights Ohio is a non-profit corporation with a mission to advocate for the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities in Ohio. Bronze Sponsors International Laborers Union, Cleveland, Ohio Friends of the Blind Benjamin and Mary Jane Barrett, Amherst, Ohio Ben Franklin Store, Oberlin, Ohio Ben and Carol Green, Sun City, Florida CVS Pharmacy, Oxford, Ohio International Harvester Credit Union, Springfield, Ohio New Horizon Computer Learning Center, Columbus, Ohio Lions Eye Bank Western Ohio, Kettering, Ohio Sliman Sales and Service, Elyria, Ohio Mike Verda, Elyria, Ohio