[OhioDAN-Talk] FW: convention info

walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 22:36:57 UTC 2021



Walter Mitchell



From: debbiewunder at charter.net <mailto:debbiewunder at charter.net>
[mailto:debbiewunder at charter.net] 
Sent: Monday, July 5, 2021 5:23 PM
To: 'Bernadette Jacobs' <bernienfb75 at gmail.com
<mailto:bernienfb75 at gmail.com> >; 'Debbie Wunder' <debbiewunder at charter.net
<mailto:debbiewunder at charter.net> >; 'Eileen Ley' <blindsavvy at gmail.com
<mailto:blindsavvy at gmail.com> >; 'Jean Brown' <jb007d at att.net
<mailto:jb007d at att.net> >; 'John Tebockhorst' <jptebock at comcast.net
<mailto:jptebock at comcast.net> >; 'Joy Stigile' <joystigile at gmail.com
<mailto:joystigile at gmail.com> >; 'Mindy Jacobson' <mindyjoy313 at gmail.com
<mailto:mindyjoy313 at gmail.com> >; 'My Home' <gwunder at earthlink.net
<mailto:gwunder at earthlink.net> >; 'Wanda Slone' <Wsloan118 at roadrunner.com
<mailto:Wsloan118 at roadrunner.com> >
Subject: convention info


Hello all, convention is fast  approaching, and the DAN board is most
excited to Welcome  you all! We will kick it off with a presentation by a
nurse educator including a time following her for questions. Our a second
hour will be a panel discussion by a sub committee sharing their personal
knowledge of the use of  insulin pumps. Third hour will be a business
meeting including the reading of the DAN constitution and elections.


Again we welcome you all and look forward t  to seeing you Thursday, 2:00pm
to 5:00pm, all times are EST


Here is the zoom information you will need to join in.


Below is the zoom information. 

Zoom meeting ID: 952 2900 6407 <https://zoom.us/j/95229006407> 

you can dial 301-715-8592 and enter the meeting ID to connect.




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