[OhioDAN-Talk] fundraiser

wo.turner5 at sbcglobal.net wo.turner5 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 25 18:56:12 UTC 2023

Hello DAN members and friends,

Hope all is well with you.  As you know, last February our Membership voted
to conduct a fundraiser.  Akeela Cade and I was appointed co-chairs.  Many
of us was concerned that seemingly all of our affiliate's divisions and
local chapters were hosting fundraisers seemingly every month.  We discussed
how having a fundraiser might not work prior to the national convention due
to having to compete with everyone else, so we voted to host our drive after
the convention was over.  This proved to be a good idea as our first
fundraiser, we are proud to say, was a success.

                We wish to say Thanks, thanks, thanks, to all of you who
supported us!  We could not have been successful without you

                As you know, we partnered with other NFB
chapters/divisions/nonprofits.  Those who agreed to partner with us received
25% of the proceeds taken in by members of their group.  With that being
said, Excluding the 25% made by our partners,  our gross proceeds including
donations is $2,000.  Once all moneys are sent to our 
Secretary Treasurer, our total raised will be $1,400.

Prizes are being sent to:


Ikramullah Ikramullah of Cincinnati Ohio $100


Glen Arnold, Cincinnati Ohio  $200

And first prize to:

Dana Owen, of Cincinati $300.


Note:  Our President desires that we host this fundraiser on an annual
basis.  Only a few of our 29 nmenmbers supported us favorably.  But, now
that you see what a hand full of folks can do, we are looking forward to
everyone doing their best moving forward.  Collectively, we can do it!  The
NFB motto is "live the life you want"  That means also you are expected to
do your part


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