[OhioDAN-Talk] Members information for the Gavel Award

wo.turner5 at sbcglobal.net wo.turner5 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 27 14:33:38 UTC 2023

Hello mr. president, My involvement outside of Dan


1.	President of The Greater Cleveland Blind Bowling League
2.	President of the Cleveland Scrappers Beepball League
3.	Cleveland Sightcenter volunteer; my volunteering covers I am a share
the Vision Counsellor (talk to newly blind individual to make sure they are
aware of services available to them via the sight center as well as in the
community) I also volunteer during various event etc. my next assignment, I
will be demonstrating the new voting machine to persons who attend the next
sight center's advocacy day.
4.	I sing in my church choir
5.	Iam the treasurer of Ohio's Communities of Faith Division
6.	I am also the chairperson for the American Blind Bowling Association
finance committee.
7.	I make support calls to congressman and senators requesting their
support of the bills supported by the National Federation of the Blind.
8.	I am a monthly PAC donor


From: OhioDAN-Talk <ohiodan-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of
nfbohiodandivision--- via OhioDAN-Talk
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2023 8:47 AM
To: 'NFB of Ohio, Diabetes Action Network List' <ohiodan-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: nfbohiodandivision at gmail.com; woodsamber83 at gmail.com; 'David Perry'
<daveperry509 at gmail.com>; khills at gmail.com
Subject: [OhioDAN-Talk] Members information for the Gavel Award


Greetings Members of the Ohio Diabetes Action Network,


I request that all of you provide information for our Gavel Award submittal.
Please read below for examples and questions of the information we are




Civil participation;

1.	I am a member of Southern Baptist Church
2.	I am a choir member
3.	I am a volunteer at the community center
4.	I read scriptures for the elderly using braille



1.	I wrote 3 letters to my Congressmen about legislation for the rights
of blind people
2.	I participated with the Cincinnati Chapter march on the Capital
3.	I provided information to Dexcom about using their products as a
blind person
4.	I participated with 10 fundraisers with several chapters of the NFB
5.	I provided a presentation at my church
6.	I attended 9 social media seminars about disabilities


Please explain details and provide the names of the organizations.


Questions to answer:

1.	Are you on News Line and did you join in 2023
2.	Are you on the PAC plan
3.	What chapters and divisions of the NFB are you affiliated with and
the positions you hold if any
4.	What community organizations are you affiliated with and what
position you hold if any


The Award questionnaires are due by October 1, and we would like to submit
our answers. I understand that this is a short timeframe, please provide
your information to me at walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com
<mailto:walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com>  within the next 5 days.


Thank you for your help with this. Your work in the division has been
outstanding, and we would like to showcase it. The Gavel Award is one
important way to do this.




Walter Mitchell

President, Ohio Diabetes Action Network

Board Member, National Diabetes Action Network

(513) 250-2432

 <mailto:Walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com> nfbohiodandivision at gmail.com



The Diabetes Action Network Educate, Empower and Inspire blind and visually
impaired people to independently and confidently manage diabetes!


Follow the Ohio Diabetes Action Network on social media:


Face book:  <http://www.facebook.com/OhioDanDivision/>


YouTube:  <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo2LdDV_40OGxIp3AApnUYw>





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