[PABS] Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students Seminar - Friday, November 13

Justin Salisbury PRESIDENT at alumni.ecu.edu
Thu Nov 12 01:33:23 UTC 2020


The Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students is so excited to welcome you to our 2020 Student Seminar, as part of the 2020 NFB of Pennsylvania State Convention!

We would love to have everyone join us however possible, so we have made the meeting available via Zoom. If you need help figuring out the technology, just reply to this email, and we'll work it out. Hakuna matata!

Even if you are not able to make it to this seminar, I still want to get to know you as a fellow blind student, and we all need to stick together.

Here's the agenda:

Friday, November 13, 2020

Noon to 3:30PM Pennsylvania Association of Blind students (PABS) Seminar; Justin Salisbury, moderator; Grand Station Ballroom, Lobby Level.
Zoom Meeting ID: 96329681770, Passcode: 124413
PABS Seminar Agenda:
* Noon to 12:15PM - Settle into the Room and Eat
* 12:15PM to 12:20PM - Overview of the Seminar; Justin Salisbury, NABS Representative
* 12:20PM to 12:35PM - Role of Students in the Pennsylvania Affiliate; Lynn Heitz, President, NFB of PA
* 12:35PM to 12:50PM - Building Your Future in the National Federation of the Blind; Jennifer Kennedy, National Representative
* 12:50PM to 1:05PM - Structured Discovery Training on the Path to Employment; Daniel Ashman , Employment specialist, Blind, Inc.
* 1:05PM to 1:20PM - Transition Age Youth Programming; David DeNotaris, Owner, Sky's Unlimited Communications
* 1:20PM to 1:35PM - What VR Can Do for You; Rod Alcidonis , Director, Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services
* 1:35PM to 1:50PM - Coffee Break
* 1:50PM to 2:05PM - What Training Did for Me; Jason Polansky, President, Capital Chapter, NFB of PA
* 2:05PM to 2:20PM - Life Story; Ren Wang
* 2:20PM to 2:35PM - Working with the National Association of Blind Students; Justin Salisbury, NABS Representative
* 2:35PM to 2:50PM - Meet the Scholarship Winners; Jim Antonacci, Chairperson, NFB of PA Scholarship Committee
* 2:50PM to 3:30PM - PABS Business Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Secretary's Report
III. Collection of Dues
IV. Goal Setting for the Next 12 Months
V. Elections (President, Vice President,, Secretary, and Treasurer)
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
VIII. Adjournment

Stay healthy and strong! Let's go build the Federation!


Justin Mark Hideaki Salisbury

Second Vice President | National Association of Blind Students
   A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind
(808) 797-8606
president at alumni.ecu.edu<mailto:president at alumni.ecu.edu> | www.nabslink.org<http://www.nabslink.org/>

If you need help with a current accessibility barrier in school, visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXoK5sWCpBjvAu4EMOANUufEoJPyUlu4QeJnMB6pIdeohmsg/viewform

If you have a story about an accessibility barrier you faced in higher education, please tell your story here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf68TacBetKMAHZcMhGJLmYgeWDIjjpSm9Sz1OUwYKxzsIEAg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

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