[PABS] Auction Items for the 2022 NFB of Pennsylvania State Convention

Joseph Drenth joe.drenth at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 21:31:11 UTC 2022

Dear colleagues:

It is now time to start thinking about the auction at Pennsylvania’s state convention in November. we are having two parts to our auction. First, we will be auctioning off items during the Friday night talent show. we will be going back-and-forth from the talent to the live portion of the auction. we will also have an auction online. we are looking to put items online that may be of great value, and may interest our federation family from around the Country.

I really need each chapter, and division to think about what they can possibly donate to the auction. We really want quality items that will bring in much needed funds for our affiliate. these items could be, but are not limited to, electronics, themed gift baskets, Sports memorabilia, baked goods, Certificates for free hotel stays, jewelry, free theater tickets, etc.

Since our live auction is during the talent show, we do not need as many auction items as we  would have needed  if we had one whole period  Just for auctioning. I am asking each chapter and division to possibly donate at least two quality items To help us with this event.  You could possibly bring more, especially if your item is selected to go online. Please survey your chapter, or division because individuals may already have new items that could be donated. 

If you are looking for retailers, and companies to donate an item, please use the letter sent to you by Marsha Drenth which proves our nonprofit status. 

This is just your first notice about gathering auction items. Joe Drenth will be working on the online portion and will need to know your suggestions for what you may want to place online.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thanking you in advance,
Denice Brown - Affiliate Auctioneer  
DBrown8827 at aol.com <mailto:DBrown8827 at aol.com> 
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