[PABS] Reminder: Upcoming Presentation from the Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students PABS: Learn all about Fantastic Financial Facts in the month of February, February 27, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:00 PM via zoom

Simon Bonenfant sbonenfant2 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 14:53:50 UTC 2023

Good morning all, 

I hope you all had a great weekend!

This is just a reminder of our meeting happening tonight at 7:00 PM. 

All the info is below. 





From: Simon Bonenfant <sbonenfant2 at gmail.com> 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 4:04 PM
To: kyla.carberry23 at saintlucyschool.org; kylacarberry at yahoo.com; andrew.godwin23 at saintlucyschool.org; awesomebetta011 at gmail.com; Erin.morris24 at saintlucyschool.org; Jake.Rose8 at icloud.com; rosesarahwest at gmail.com; jamurray0720 at gmail.com; katelyn.siple26 at gmail.com; cristina.hartmann at gmail.com; tylerh0619 at gmail.com; hughessara182 at gmail.com; andrewjerrylowe at icloud.com; timfox9115 at gmail.com; madigrose7 at gmail.com; jlpumastehlik at gmail.com; cornettimk at gmail.com; 'Ron Bonenfant' <ronbonenfant1 at gmail.com>; adisondance13 at gmail.com; 'Puma Stehlik,Jia Li' <jp3827 at drexel.edu>; 'ben wallace' <benelevator1600 at gmail.com>; giannazaccagni15 at gmail.com; 'Quirine De Bruin' <qbrnew2 at gmail.com>; 'Angelina Angelcyk' <0nintendo64 at gmail.com>; 'Angelina Angelcyk' <3dsgamer477 at gmail.com>
Cc: 'Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students List' <pabs at nfbnet.org>; 'Lynn Heitz' <lynnelaineheitz1958 at gmail.com>; 'David Denotaris' <dave at possibilitythinkers.net>; 'BEAR Blindness Education and Advocacy Resources' <bearadvocacy at gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Reminder: Upcoming Presentation from the Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students PABS: Learn all about Fantastic Financial Facts in the month of February, February 27, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:00 PM via zoom 


Hello all, 

Just wanted to send a reminder about Monday’s event, announcement pasted below. 

Have a great weekend. 




From: Simon Bonenfant <sbonenfant2 at gmail.com <mailto:sbonenfant2 at gmail.com> > 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2023 8:35 AM
To: kyla.carberry23 at saintlucyschool.org <mailto:kyla.carberry23 at saintlucyschool.org> ; kylacarberry at yahoo.com <mailto:kylacarberry at yahoo.com> ; andrew.godwin23 at saintlucyschool.org <mailto:andrew.godwin23 at saintlucyschool.org> ; awesomebetta011 at gmail.com <mailto:awesomebetta011 at gmail.com> ; Erin.morris24 at saintlucyschool.org <mailto:Erin.morris24 at saintlucyschool.org> ; Jake.Rose8 at icloud.com <mailto:Jake.Rose8 at icloud.com> ; rosesarahwest at gmail.com <mailto:rosesarahwest at gmail.com> ; jamurray0720 at gmail.com <mailto:jamurray0720 at gmail.com> ; katelyn.siple26 at gmail.com <mailto:katelyn.siple26 at gmail.com> ; cristina.hartmann at gmail.com <mailto:cristina.hartmann at gmail.com> ; tylerh0619 at gmail.com <mailto:tylerh0619 at gmail.com> ; hughessara182 at gmail.com <mailto:hughessara182 at gmail.com> ; andrewjerrylowe at icloud.com <mailto:andrewjerrylowe at icloud.com> ; timfox9115 at gmail.com <mailto:timfox9115 at gmail.com> ; madigrose7 at gmail.com <mailto:madigrose7 at gmail.com> ; jlpumastehlik at gmail.com <mailto:jlpumastehlik at gmail.com> ; cornettimk at gmail.com <mailto:cornettimk at gmail.com> ; Ron Bonenfant <ronbonenfant1 at gmail.com <mailto:ronbonenfant1 at gmail.com> >; adisondance13 at gmail.com <mailto:adisondance13 at gmail.com> ; Puma Stehlik,Jia Li <jp3827 at drexel.edu <mailto:jp3827 at drexel.edu> >; ben wallace <benelevator1600 at gmail.com <mailto:benelevator1600 at gmail.com> >; giannazaccagni15 at gmail.com <mailto:giannazaccagni15 at gmail.com> ; Quirine De Bruin <qbrnew2 at gmail.com <mailto:qbrnew2 at gmail.com> >; Angelina Angelcyk <0nintendo64 at gmail.com <mailto:0nintendo64 at gmail.com> >; Angelina Angelcyk <3dsgamer477 at gmail.com <mailto:3dsgamer477 at gmail.com> >
Cc: Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students List <pabs at nfbnet.org <mailto:pabs at nfbnet.org> >; Lynn Heitz <lynnelaineheitz1958 at gmail.com <mailto:lynnelaineheitz1958 at gmail.com> >; David Denotaris <dave at possibilitythinkers.net <mailto:dave at possibilitythinkers.net> >; BEAR Blindness Education and Advocacy Resources <bearadvocacy at gmail.com <mailto:bearadvocacy at gmail.com> >
Subject: Upcoming Presentation from the Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students PABS: Learn all about Fantastic Financial Facts in the month of Feburary, Feburary 27, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:00 PM via zoom 


Hello Everyone!


I hope you are enjoying this fabulous February weather we’ve been having. In the midst of all the anticipation leading up to Spring, why not come and take an hour and join the Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students for our monthly membership call!


We’ll be talking about all things money; and who doesn’t like a little money? I know I sure do!

This exciting presentation, entitled Fantastic Financial February Facts, will feature insights from Carlton Walker and Naim Abu-El-Hawa, see their bios below. 


When: Monday February 27, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. 


Where: Zoom (See Zoom link below)


What You Will Learn: 

*       Financial support available from social security and other agencies. 

*       Impact of earned and unearned income (gifts scholarships, etc.) 

*       Impact of savings. 

*       Tools to maximize and manage your financial success such as investing, budgeting, and differences between credit and debit cards. 


I hope to see you there as we chart our path to a successful financial future together! 


All the best, 

Simon Bonenfant, PABS Student President 

Want to contact me directly? Drop me a note at sbonenfant2 at gmail.com <mailto:sbonenfant2 at gmail.com>  

Want to drop me a line? Call me at 610-212-0016 


P.S. Want to win an Amazon gift card? Join the meeting to find out the amount and how you could be the big winner!


About Our Speakers: 

Naim Muawia Abu-El Hawa 

Naim Muawia Abu-El Hawa is a senior at George Mason University, in pursuit of dual Bachelors’ degrees in Arabic and Global Affairs, with a concentration in Middle East and North African Studies, paired with a minor in Immigration Studies. Aside from Naim‘s academic endeavors, he is gainfully employed as an Accounts and Contracts Manager with Connect BBC, a transportation logistics company based in Northern Virginia. 

Carlton Anne Cook Walker:

Ms. Walker is an attorney and small business owner, a certified teacher of blind/low vision students, and the parent of a blind child (now, young adult). Ms. Walker has a strong background in financial planning and loves sharing information about financial planning, tools, and strategy, including those related to SSI and SSDI benefits and ABLE accounts. She serves as Comptroller for the First Presbyterian Church of Carlisle (PA) and as treasurer of the Parents’ Division of the NFB of Pennsylvania. She also serves on the board of Professionals in Blindness Education (PIBE), a division of the NFB, and until recently, she served as the president of the National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC), the parent division of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). 


Zoom Link: 

Topic: Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students Panel Discussion 

Join Zoom Meeting
 <https://zoom.us/j/96292437071> https://zoom.us/j/96292437071

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