[PACapitalChapter] august meeting notes

Hillary McFadden hmcfadden920 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 31 17:40:44 UTC 2019

Here are the meeting notes from the August meeting. Our chapter meeting began on Saturday August 17th at ten a. M. 2019. All who attended were 
Carlton and Anna Walker, Hillary McFadden, carol cruise and on the conference line were Mark Pickens, Gerry Curylo, Matt Shore, Elizabeth Medina and later, Amy Harwood. No students from Bell academy have arrived. The secretary report and treasurer's report were already in the agenda. Elizabeth sent the treasurer's report in the email out the night before the meeting. 
old business: a location was finally found for bell academy in Harrisburg. It was at the Presbyterian Church on South Second Street. Carlton went over reflections of Bell academy students and their progress. 
new business: Candy boxes are being sold to raise money for the chapter. More ideas of fundraising are being thought about. Metting was adjourned at 11:32 a. M.

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