[PACapitalChapter] Minutes from today's Chapter meeting

George N. Peters george.peters at verizon.net
Tue Dec 24 20:39:28 UTC 2019

Good afternoon all first I want to wish everybody in the Capitol chapter a very merry Christmas. I had fully intended on being at the meeting however a last-minute phone call forced me into my duties as an automotive mechanic. I put rear brakes on my son's car and now it has passed inspection so all again is well I will see everybody sometime in the spring of the year as I will be out of the country. I should have lots of stories to share with you all upon my return take care and again all the best everybody in the new year. I will take care of the dues in the April meeting if all goes well and see you all in the spring. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 11:07 AM, Carlton Anne Cook Walker via PACapitalChapter<pacapitalchapter at nfbnet.org> wrote:   Here they are:

Capital Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania Board
Meeting Agenda Saturday, December 21, 2019 10:00 a.m. EST

*Community Room at the Camp Hill Giant, 3301 Trindle Rd. Camp Hill, PA,

*If you cannot attend, our conference call-in number is (605) 472-5521.
After dialing in, press the access code, 661198, followed by the pound sign


Matt Shore

Jason Polansky—on the phone

Anna Walker

Carlton Walker

Welcome/Personal Updates:

·      Anna updated about her time at the Louisiana Center for the Blind.

·      Carlton gave an update on her recovery from hip replacement surgery.

·      Matt shared that he is in the application process for BEP (Business
Enterprise Program).

o  Very excited for this

o  Hope to commence at the beginning of the year

·      Jason work is going well. Hard to get started in, but getting the
work flow flowing.

o  Enjoying his apartment complex

o  Have met nice people

Secretary’s Report:

Hello all. Here are the notes from this morning’s meeting’s meeting. Our
chapter meeting began on Saturday november sixteenth 2019 at 1010 a.m.

All who attended were Jason Polansky, Hillary McFadden, Carol Cruise, and
Carlton Walker in the room. Matt Shore and Anna walker were on the
conference call line. personal updates: Congrats to Hillary McFadden!
Hillary was on the cover of the Business Woman Magazine for her braille
menu business!

Treasurer's report was in the agenda. the secretary's report was done by
none other than our local celebrity, Hillary McFadden! presidential report
was in the agenda this month. The words were found on the website and put
into the agenda.

old business: the changes in the constitution of the Capital Chapter of the
NFB of Pennsylvania have been voted on and talked about for weeks so we
don't need to go over that.

new business: Unfortunately: the new members hadn't showed up at the
meeting so there is no new business to talk about.

Our meeting was adjourned at 10:49 a.m.

Minutes approved on a Matt/Jason motion.

Treasurer’s Report:

Checking Balance:* $272.25*

Savings Balance:* $1,161.57*

Total Income:* $0.00*

Total Expenses:

o  *-$**5.00($5 December 2019 NFB PAC Pre-Authorized Contribution)*

o  *-$197.28 (9 Fundraising Hershey’s Candy Boxes)*

o  *-$15.34 Hospitality Suite needs beyond $175.00 gift cards provided by
Giant Food Stores)*

o  *-$25.39 (Envelopes (box of 50) and 40 forever stamps)*

Current Balance (as of December 21, 2019): *$1,433.82*

Motion approved on Matt/Jason motion.

Old Business: NFB Presidential Report:

Presidential Release #489, December 2019 (English Audio)

Transcript not available

Some had listened already

Highlights discussed

New Business: Paying 2020 dues

·      No Treasurer present

·      Concerns about transfer of the chapter’s Treasury

o  Will deal with when the new Board is elected in January

Election in January

·      Anna is not running for president

·      Anna will be creating a Nominating Committee soon

Holiday party

·      Not happening

·      Jason, next year, if we have a BELL Academy, have a holiday party
for the NFB BELL Academy students

NFB BELL Academy in 2020

·      New PA NFB BELL Academy coordinator Emily Gindlesperger wants a
site address—Target week is the first week in August (August 3-7, 2020)

o  Pros and cons of current site (Market Square Presbyterian Church)

o  Jason: possibility of Messiah College

o  Matt: YMCA downtown Harrisburg

·      Each will report back to Anna by January 10, 2020:

o  Anna: Market Square Presbyterian Church availability

o  Jason will check out Messiah availability

o  Matt will check out Harrisburg YMCA availability

Motion to Adjourn:

Matt/Jason Motion approved unanimously

Meeting adjourned at 11:03 a.m.

Next Meeting:

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Future meeting dates and times:

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Carlton Anne Cook Walker
Attorney at Law
BEAR--Blindness Education and Advocacy Resources
Teacher of Students with Blindness/Low Vision
President, National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC)
101 Kelly Drive
Carlisle, PA  17015
Voice: 717-658-9894
Twitter: braillemom

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