[PACapitalChapter] FW: Brief Telephone Survey = $5 Gift Card

Mark Pickens gmkpickens at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 19:20:34 UTC 2019

I was asked to send this to people who may be interested.  Please take time as you are able.  Send it on to your contacts that you would like to share with.  


Thank You



From: Erin Rettew [mailto:erin at suasion.us] 
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 8:45 AM
To: Mark Pickens
Subject: RE: Brief Telephone Survey = $5 Gift Card


Thank you, Mark! 


We appreciate your help in getting the word out! I hope you have a lovely weekend. 




From: Mark Pickens <gmkpickens at gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2019 6:07 PM
To: Erin Rettew <erin at suasion.us>
Subject: RE: Brief Telephone Survey = $5 Gift Card


Hello Erin,

Thank You for your email and for sharing this Telephone Survey through Suasion on Employment.  I will share this message with my contacts.  Thank you for sharing with us.  


Take Care.



Mark Pickens, MDiv.

(717) 829-5962 

gmkpickens at gmail.com  


From: Erin Rettew [mailto:erin at suasion.us] 
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2019 2:59 PM
To: gmkpickens at gmail.com
Subject: Brief Telephone Survey = $5 Gift Card


Hello Mark! 


Suasion is conducting a market research project and we’re looking for individuals with disabilities to complete a brief 10-15 minute telephone survey about employment. Participants will receive a $5 gift card of their choosing. Would you mind sharing the information below with anyone who you think may be interested?


Thank you!



From: Suasion <erin at suasion.us> 
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2019 1:31 PM
To: Erin Rettew <erin at suasion.us>
Subject: Brief Telephone Survey = $5 Gift Card


Don't miss this opportunity! 

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Help us spread the word!


We're giving away $5 gift cards to eligible individuals who complete our brief (10-15 minute) telephone survey!


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We are conducting a market research project on behalf of an organization in Pennsylvania that helps people with disabilities find and keep jobs, and we're looking for eligible individuals with disabilities to participate in a brief telephone survey about employment. Participants will be given a $5 gift card of their choosing. To participate, follow the steps below: 


1.   Complete our eligibility questionnaire, which will help us determine whether or not you are eligible to take the survey. 


2.   At the end of the questionnaire, tell us when you would like us to call you to complete the telephone survey and what number we can use to reach you. 


3.   If you are found to be eligible to complete the telephone survey, speak to one of our representatives and answer questions about your experience with employment. 


4.   Choose a gift card from our list of options and wait for it to be mailed to your address! 


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 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=00181hrwJMuAH4rP_Ak5-bEvCyOPrUi7EW9pYCrahZzoCnes5h44ySq2kNByNhsGG9zsROAjeORdWxOore56r1tq2uVecwSyjmtE9pgHBqh_F_bTaWF9LAR76a-E6wmSZGNNA0HkevNTuqr2K2PGzUa-I0X21Gq-6SpYXHbfGPA9WU=&c=8hpKkI3abQHox4tIMhZdmmbMw0tUBPtZI4V8UWGsRyUZh0Al8RK-zQ==&ch=Swd7fEhkACpHVgIkHWcBUgwPeFo_xu_99ZEt_dZl1RHqHuEjseJQ9w==> Complete the Eligibility Questionnaire


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