[PACapitalChapter] Meeting Minutes - July 20, 2019
Elizabeth Medina
ely26m at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 21 04:25:25 UTC 2019
Thank you Carole! I guess years of work as a student paid off? LOL! Take care! ELY
On Saturday, July 20, 2019 11:59:32 PM EDT, CAROLE via PACapitalChapter <pacapitalchapter at nfbnet.org> wrote:
Thank you Elizabeth! Great job taking notes&sharing them! Stay cool in this crazy heat!
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------ Original Message ------
From: Elizabeth Medina via PACapitalChapter
To: NFB of Pennsylvania Capital Chapter List
Cc: Elizabeth Medina
Sent: July 20, 2019 at 9:35 PM
Subject: [PACapitalChapter] Meeting Minutes - July 20, 2019
To AllMembers,Goodevening! It is my hope that you are all enjoying the summer and keeping coolaway from this insane heat. In the absence of Hillary McFadden, Capital Chapter’sSecretary, I am giving you the minutes for this months’ meeting. If you haveany questions or for any corrections, feel free to contact me or to share theinformation. This information will be provided as a Word Document attachment. Thankyou!ElizabethMedina Rivera (717)330-3062 ely26m at yahoo.comSaturday July 20, 2019 Meeting Minutes 605-472-5521 ext. 661198Attendance: ***It wasrecommend for all members of the chapter, to please email or call if notplanning to be present during the meeting. This will help to determine if weshould have a meeting over the phone versus at the meeting location particularlyfor those traveling. *** Anna C.Walker, President ElizabethMedina Rivera, Treasurer Carole A.Cruise Mark K.Pickens Gerald A.CuryloWelcome and Updates: MissPresident Anna C. Walker welcomed all members.2019 NFB National Convention Feedback: Carole spoketo the members about her experience as a first-time attendee to the NFB AnnualConvention. She spoke about her experience as a sighted person with a blindgrandchild. The attendees’ mobility skills and ability to overcome the mobilitychallenges in a very confusing environment (set up) impressed her. In addition,she was impressed by the guidance and support the UPS volunteers provided tothe attendees helping them getting to their destination. Carole observed howduring General Sessions, the room was organized by the states with each sectionappropriately identified facilitating all members finding their state oforigin. Carole thanked Carlton for all her hard work and extensive knowledge sharedas a parent. She explained how Carlton is a great and “brilliant” resource withunderstanding of the law, cane traveling, legislation on school systems, and agreat advocate fighting for the services, right to the blind and visuallyimpaired community which are not offer or available.Carole shared how attendees treated each otherwith kindness, sharing experiences, supporting each other, and united as a bigfamily.Elizabethspoke about the NFB Annual Convention being her third one in a period of 16years. She explained how this time around, she felt confident and comfortableenough to take full advantage of some of the many resources offered. However,she shared how she was overwhelm with the idea of becoming blind yet brave enoughto be successful like so many members of the NFB family. She took advantage ofthe employment workshops; the career fair having two employment interviews onthe spot; the etiquette dinner workshop; and the opportunity to network withother professionals. She participated at the gathering for the ColoradoTraining Center as well as the Louisiana Training Center for the Blind meetingwith present students as well as staff members. Elizabeth explained how shealso took advantage of some of the new workshops related to diversity such as Mujeres(women) in business, the LGBT seminar, the METAS fundraising event (bringingthe NFB philosophy and resources to blind individuals in Mexico,and offeredtranslation services during general sessions as part of that committee. Elizabethexplained how great it was to meet with friends from last year’s convention andto have the opportunity to make new friends in Las Veagas. She enjoyed and hada great time during the Banquet listening to President Riccobono’s dinner speechaddressing the audience talking about liberty and the freedom to do and toachieve whatever blind people wants always teaching and respecting othersighted or blind members of our community.Secretary Report HillaryMcFadden, Secretary was absent, no secretary report.Elizabeth Medina Rivera, Treasurer took thenotes for today’s meeting.Treasurer Report ElizabethMedina Rivera, Treasurer read the report. An email was sent to all members thenight before. Checking Balance:$435.26 Savings Balance:$1,050.10 Income:$0.00 Expenses/Withdraw:-$55.00($5 July 2019 NFB PAC Pre-Authorized Contribution, $25 tenBroek Fund, and $25White Cane Fund) Total Balance:$1,485.36Presidential Report Nopresidential report available.Old Businesses 1.Meeting’s Location - A reminder that the CampHill Giant Food Store Meeting Room still the location scheduled for thefollowing reminding dates. Gerry will call Giant to confirm that thisinformation still accurate. August 17 September 21(Chapter’s Elections Day) October 19 November 16 December 21 (Weshould do a Christmas Party again, I am just saying!)2.BELL Program - Still no location confirmedfor the Bell Program in August. Memberstalked about the Background Check process and some potential difficultiestrying to complete the process. Mark wanted to know for how long the backgroundchecks are good until they expired. I think the answer is 36 months for bothChild and Criminal Backgrounds but I am not sure. Please visit the followingwebsite and search general questions: https://www.compass.state.pa.us/CWIS/Public/FAQ There was aconversation about how difficult this websites could be to navigate, privacy,and accessibility.3.Fundraising – We are still talking about fundraising,the need for it, and ideas to implement. However, no decision has been vote orimplemented. The following is a list of some options mentioned. - Sam’s ClubCandy – Anna - School SuppliesBasket Raffle – Elizabeth - 50-50Raffle where the price is 50% of the money taken in by the raffle ticket sales –Elizabeth - BowlingTournament – Elizabeth - ShoulderBag or Work Bag or Carry-On Bag Sale with the NFB of PA Logo - ElizabethNew Businesses Gerry askedif a list of all members’ email could be share in order not to share personalinformation on the server.Elizabethwill be sharing a list of all members with emails only.Gerry sharedhow Humana and CVS Pharmacy are offering services to help consumers identifymedication battles.Gerry sharedhow the Center for Independent Living offers 15 hours a month per client of freeone-on-one individual assistance for Deaf and Blind clients.Elizabethsuggested the creation of mini workshops conducted by members of the chapterbased on the individual’s expertise, skills, work experience, education ortraining obtained.END _______________________________________________ PACapitalChapter mailing list PACapitalChapter at nfbnet.org http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/pacapitalchapter_nfbnet.org To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for PACapitalChapter: http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/pacapitalchapter_nfbnet.org/cacruise%40comcast.net
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