[PACapitalChapter] June 22nd Meeting Agenda

Anna Walker missannawalker at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 20:04:33 UTC 2019

I'm worry about this being out so late. I was unsure whether we would be
able to have the Giant room this week which is why the agenda says
conference call only, however we will be meeting at the giant room tomorrow
at the noermal time. The adress in last month's agenda. Here is the agenda.
Hope to see you all at the meeting tomorrow.

Anna C. Walker

Capital Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania Board
Meeting Agenda Saturday, June 22, 2019 10:00 a.m. EST

*We will meet by conference call only. The** number is (605) 472-5521.
After dialing in, press the access code, 661198, followed by the pound sign


Welcome/Personal Updates:

Secretary’s Report:

Treasurer’s Report:

Previous Balance:* $1,545.18*

Total Income:* $20.00*

Total Expenses: *$5.00*

Current Balance (as of January 19, 2019): *$*

NFB Presidential Report:

President Riccobono discusses the World Blind Union meeting in Trinidad,
NFB summer programs, a special blind parents division seminar in Colorado,
new member programs, and the national convention. Executive Director and
Convention Chairman John Berggren joins the President to talk about
convention logistics. The President also provides updates from our PAC
program and Dream Makers Circle.


Old Business:

BELL locations and planning

BELL volunteers

BELL registration

Donation tenBroek and white cane funds

State OVR meeting on June 13th

New Business:

Proposed OVR Consolidation

Accessible Prescription label bill in PA House

NFB national convention in Las Vegas

Scam Emails seeming to come from state and chapter presidents

Motion to Adjourn:

Next Meeting:

Future meeting dates and times:
 2019-06-22 Agenda.docx

Anna C. Walker
President, Capital Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of
Vice-president, Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students
101 Kelly Drive
Carlisle, PA   17015
Cell: (717) 658-9239

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