[PACapitalChapter] May meeting notes

Hillary McFadden hmcfadden920 at gmail.com
Sun May 19 21:38:04 UTC 2019

Hi all. Here are the notes from yesterday’s meeting. Thank you. 

Hillary  Our chapter meeting began on May 18th 2019 on Saturday. It began at ten A. m. 
All who attended were Carol Cruise, Hillary McFadden, new member Tim McCarthy, and Gerry Curylo, and Anna and Carleton Walker on the conference call line. 
Elizabeth Medina was not here to do the treasurer's report so Matt Shore went over it with us. Secretary report was done by Hillary McFadden.  Old business: Still looking at fundraising ideas including selling chocolate or other candy.We found a possible location for Bell academy called Messiah Lutherin Church. Carleton is still working on it but hasn't gotten back to us 
about it yet.     new business: there is more talk about ovr and how to fight to keep Bureau of blindness and visual services. 

Our meeting was adjourned at ten fifty-four a. M.

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