[PACapitalChapter] Invitation to Serve on Disabilities Panel during Meet The Blind Month

Mark Pickens gmkpickens at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 19:59:37 UTC 2019

Hi All,

I am writing to share an invitation with you all  about an opportunity to
serve on a Disabilities Panel during "Meet the Blind Month."  I am serving
on the Harrisburg Diversity Forum Planning Committee and have been asked to
serve as a Moderator for a Panel on People with Disabilities.  The Forum
will take place on Thursday, October 17th at Central Penn College from 9:00
am to 10:30 am.  There will be a time for coffee and light refreshments
prior to the Forum, starting around 8:15 or 8:30 am.  I am reaching out to
different organizations that I have contact with in Harrisburg and around
the city with this invitation.  It would be good to have at least one person
on the panel (besides me because I will be the "Moderator") who can serve
and speak on Blindness and a lived experience with it.  Please let me know
if you are interested and if you are available to come.  It would be great
to have the NFB  Capital City Chapter represented on this Panel.  Thank You
for your consideration and for responding to this invitation as you are able
to do so.  Please be in touch with me if you have any further questions,
thoughts, ideas, or comments.  Thank You.





Mark Pickens, MDiv.

345 Hummel Street, Unit B

Harrisburg, PA 17104

(717) 829-5962

gmkpickens at gmail.com   

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