[PACapitalChapter] Time is running out for making State Convention Registration and Hotel Reservations

Drenth, Joe Joe.Drenth at JBTC.COM
Mon Sep 30 13:38:40 UTC 2019

Hello everyone,

If you have not yet made your hotel reservations or online registration for the NFB of Pennsylvania 2019 convention, please do so immediately. The block of rooms at the hotel with our special discount will be released very soon, and the price of online registration will soon increase.

To make your hotel reservations, call the Harrisburg Radisson at 717-763-7117. Events start early Friday morning, November 1, so we recommend arriving at the hotel Thursday, October 31. The convention ends on Sunday, November 3 around noon.

To register for the convention and purchase the organized meals, please use the online registration form by clicking on the following link:

To learn more about the convention, please click the following link:

If you have any questions, please text me at 215-827-7787 or email me at joe.drenth at jbtc.com<mailto:joe.drenth at jbtc.com>.


Joseph Drenth
First Vice-President, NFB of Pennsylvania
Convention Chair, NFB of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation
Senior R&D Software Engineer, JBT Corporation, Automated Systems Division

From: NFBP-Talk [mailto:nfbp-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Drenth, Joe via NFBP-Talk
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2019 12:58 PM
To: NFB of Pennsylvania Talk, state list; NFB of Pennsylvania Capital Chapter List (pacapitalchapter at nfbnet.org); 'KeystoneChapter-request at nfbnet.org'
Cc: Drenth, Joe
Subject: [NFBP-Talk] Reminder to Register for the NFB of Pennsylvania State Convention

**This email is from an external sender**
It is now halfway through September, so you have only two weeks to get the discounted registration rate for the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania Convention. The registration cost goes up on October 1.

To register at the special discounted rate, use the following link:

You can also make your hotel reservations directly with the hotel by calling 717-763-7117. Make sure you tell them that you are coming for the NFB of Pennsylvania convention to get the discounted room rate. This year's convention will be a lot of fun and very informative, so you will not want to miss it. We recommend that you arrive at the hotel Thursday so you can attend the technology seminars that begin Friday morning. The convention ends Sunday morning.

For more information about the convention, please visit the convention main page using the link below:

If you have any questions about the convention, please do not hesitate to email me by clicking on the following address:


Joseph Drenth
First Vice-President, NFB of Pennsylvania
Convention Chair, NFB of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation
Senior R&D Software Engineer, JBT Corporation, Automated Systems Division

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