[PACapitalChapter] Meeting Notes 8-15-20

CAROLE cacruise at comcast.net
Sat Aug 15 16:16:15 UTC 2020

Meeting began 10AM and ended 11AM

Attendance: Christine Callahan, Rob Farabaugh, Lynn Heitz, Tim McCarthy, Hillary McFadden, Jason Polansky, Mark Pickens, Carlton Walker, Jerry Currillo, Carole Cruise

Treasurey Info:
-Carlton shared checking balance is down to about $122.00 and wanted to transfer some money from savings.
-Jason has cash from candy fundraiser that can be deposited to bring up checking balance.
-Carlton suggested purchasing $25 Panera Gift cards for $20 during 20%promotion. Sell them at face value and earn the 20% for chapter.
-Vote was taken to purchase $500 in Panera Gift Cards.
-Carlton has permission to replenish additional gift cards before promotion ends on 8-6-30.
-Lynn suggested to advertise the cards on the NFB Talklist and that we could make payments through Affiliate PayPal account. More info to come on that.
-Carlton, who knows how to multitask extremely well, had already purchased the Panera Gift Cards before the end of the meeting! Thank you Carlton!

-Short discussion that everyone who participated in National Convention had a positive experience.
I didn’t have a chance to share, but I was extremely impressed at how well all the technology worked and amazed at the awesome speakers sharing such important and relevant information in every meeting I attended! All in all I thought it was the next best thing to bring there! Thank you NFB!!!
Thank you NOPBC!!!

-Jason mentioned the Giant Community Center is still not opening their public meeting rooms so for the time being our monthly meetings will continue on Zoom. Check back to Joe Drenth’s email with links & numbers to connect to Zoom.
-There was some discussion about possible future change in location of meetings to Harrisburg to have better access to bus lines for transportation. There were questions about how many Chapter members would actually be using the bus to attend meetings. No decision was made at this time.

Lynn shared a State Report:
-State Convention is scheduled in person on November 12, 13, 14 & 15 at the Sheraton Station Square hotel in Pittsburgh. Registration is open on state website.
-Hybrid model to participate virtually might possibly be available with limited interaction- you’d be able to listen to seminars but not actively participate.
-National Rep is : Jennifer Kennedy from Blind. Inc
hotel: $115 per night
registration: $25
meal options for breakfasts & lunches about $15, banquet dinner about $35, you reserve your choices online.
-Affiliate hosting a free informal get together with snacks Thursday evening after the technology seminar.
-Of course due to covid-19 there could be changes in Convention plans so be on the look out for updates.
-HOT TOPIC: voting accessibility! The National General Election is fast approaching on Tuesday, November 3,2020 Most polling places are inaccessible to the blind. Paper ballots are inaccessible to the blind. The blind have the right to accessible voting just like every other American!
-NFB Affiliate of PA has filed a lawsuit due to inaccessible voting conditions for the blind.
-Lynn & Joe Drenth will attend a meeting on 9-2-20 to address the problem.
-Hopefully you will be able to cast your vote on this upcoming election!

-October is Meet the Blind Month!

-Lynn shared that she applied to be on the Rebab Council. She received a letter that she does not meet the criteria to be on the council. She reached out to President Riccobono about this and he is sending a letter to them asking for specifics as to why Lynn is not eligible.

-Lynn also shared good news that she had a new member of her family! She just returned from Pilot Dogs in Columbus, Ohio with her new standard poodle guide dog, Danny! She spent 2 weeks there training with Danny. Best of luck to them both as they become an awesome team!

-Jason shared he is getting a new roommate soon who will also be joining our Chapter!

Respectfully submitted:

Carole Cruise
Capital Chapter Secretary
August 15, 2020


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