[PACapitalChapter] Voting in Pennsylvania

Joseph Drenth joe.drenth at gmail.com
Sun Aug 23 15:46:03 UTC 2020

>From Emily Gindlesperger, NFB of Pennsylvania Second Vice-President and Legislative Coordinator:
Good morning Federationists 
I wanted to reach out to everyone with regards to voting in Pennsylvania.  Please share this with other members, and friends even, who are not on this listserv.  Voting is one of the most important rights - and I feel it is a duty - of the people so they can govern themselves.  We need to reach all who want to join in this process but may face barriers.
“VotesPA.com <https://www.votespa.com/Pages/default.aspx> " is the state website which allows people to not only register to vote, but request their mail-in or absentee ballots if they choose to vote in that manner.  The online forms are stated to be accessible and the page will even connect you with the county board of elections.
Every county has their own board of elections that manages the election processes for that area, so if someone does not have a computer, smart phone, internet access etc.  they can reach out to the County.  
In Pennsylvania, you must be 18 years of age and a US citizen (or gained citizenship a month prior to election) in order to register.
They will confirm your information with the information on your PennDOT ID.  If you do not have one they will want to confirm signatures.
If you have recently moved, you must update your registration so the board of elections can update the precincts.  I failed to do this one year and had to find transportation back to my old polling place to vote.
As of right now, it is stated that the deadline to register for the November election is Monday October 19, 2020.  Please do not wait until then.  The Commonwealth has always stated that they need two weeks to process and mail a registration and that may put you past election day.
We are hoping to send out other informative emails regarding the ballot marking tool as it is provided.  Also, at this time, the on-site polling places will be open.  
Again, this is one of the first steps to vote.  If anyone needs any help in obtaining a voter registration or even a state ID, please email or call us.
Thank you and have a wonderful Sunday,
Emily Gindlesperger
2nd Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of PA
Legislative Director 
Vp2 at nfbp.org <mailto:Vp2 at nfbp.org> 

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