[PACapitalChapter] Meeting tomorrow at 10

Jason Polansky jaedpo96 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 16:06:33 UTC 2020

Hi all,
Just wanted to remind everyone of our meeting tomorrow at 10.
We have been successful at contacting Vision Resources, and they are
sending two of our gift cards to a needy family.

Some of you may know that within the Federation, there have recently been
discussions on social media and elsewhere about acts of abuse that people
have suffered within organization events and programs.
I am open to talking about such matters, if members feel like they need to
share their thoughts. I don't know what the best solution is exactly, but I
am personally glad that people are acknowledging the issues and making
efforts to be better.

On a brighter note, Christmas is a week from today, and I believe some are
celebrating Hanukah.
Hope everyone is able to enjoy quality time with their families, even if it
may look slightly different than most years.
Look forward to hearing from everyone.
Below are the Zoom details.

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Meeting ID: 215 988 0888

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Meeting ID: 215 988 0888
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abJVjnj6Bu

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Jason Polansky

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