[PACapitalChapter] Capital Chapter of the NFB of PA meeting tomorrow--membership dues, elections, and more!

Carlton Anne Cook Walker attorneywalker at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 21:53:15 UTC 2020


That will work. My address is 101 Kelly Drive, Carlisle, PA, 17015.
Alternatively, I invite you (and anyone else who wants to do so) to send
the funds to me via Venmo at www.venmo.com/BrailleMom.

Also, a reminder: you need not be physically present to run for office, but
you will need to be present in some way (including on the phone). Please
note that our call-in information is: (605) 472-5521. After dialing in,
press the access code, 661198, followed by the pound sign (#).

Thank you!

Carlton Anne Cook Walker
Attorney at Law
BEAR--Blindness Education and Advocacy Resources
Teacher of Students with Blindness/Low Vision
President, National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC)
101 Kelly Drive
Carlisle, PA   17015
Voice: 717-658-9894
Twitter: braillemom

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This message is from the law firm Carlton Anne Cook Walker, Attorney at
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On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 11:24 AM Carlton Anne Cook Walker <
attorneywalker at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not certain that everyone got the first email. (I didn't and I thought
> I was on the mailing list.) Thus, I am forwarding it, just in case you did
> not receive it.
> Carlton
> Carlton Anne Cook Walker
> Attorney at Law
> BEAR--Blindness Education and Advocacy Resources
> Teacher of Students with Blindness/Low Vision
> President, National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC)
> 101 Kelly Drive
> Carlisle, PA   17015
> Voice: 717-658-9894
> Twitter: braillemom
> *This message is not intended or offered as legal advice. * These
> materials have been prepared for educational and information purposes
> only.  They are not legal advice or legal opinions on any specific
> matters.  Transmission of the information is not intended to create, and
> receipt does not constitute, a lawyer-client relationship between this
> site, the author(s), or the publisher, and you or any other user.  Internet
> subscribers and online readers should not act, or fail to act, upon this
> information without seeking professional counsel.  No person should act or
> fail to act on any legal matter based on the contents of this site.  Unless
> expressly stated otherwise, no document herein should be assumed to be
> produced by an attorney licensed in your state.
> This message is from the law firm Carlton Anne Cook Walker, Attorney at
> Law.
> This message and any attachments may contain legally privileged or
> confidential information and are intended only for the individual or entity
> identified above as the addressee.
> If you are not the addressee, or if this message has been addressed to you
> in error, you are not authorized to read, copy, or distribute this message
> and any attachments.
> You are hereby requested to please delete this message and attachments
> (including all copies) and notify the sender by return e-mail or by phone
> at 717-658-9894.
> Delivery of this message and any attachments to any person other than the
> intended recipient(s) is not intended in any way to waive confidentiality
> or any privilege.
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Carlton Anne Cook Walker <attorneywalker at gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 11:21 AM
> Subject: Capital Chapter of the NFB of PA meeting tomorrow--membership
> dues, elections, and more!
> To: NFB of Pennsylvania Capital Chapter List <PACapitalChapter at nfbnet.org>,
> <CapitalChapter at nfbp.org>, Lynn Heitz <lynnelaine2 at verizon.net>, <
> blindjack99 at gmail.com>, De Notaris, David <ddenotaris at comcast.net>, De
> Notaris, David <ddenotaris at outlook.com>
> Capital Chapter members, future members, and friends,
> Our outgoing chapter president, Anna Walker, is working on tomorrow's
> agenda, and I know she'll have it out soon. Unfortunately, the viruses and
> bacteria of Louisiana love Ana as much as we do, and she continues to
> recover from multiple sinus and respiratory infections.
> Two major things will be happening at tomorrow's chapter meeting (at 10:00
> a.m. in the Community Room of the Giant grocery store located at 3301 E
> Trindle Rd, Camp Hill, PA 17011).
> First, membership dues are---due. We need to get our membership
> information to the state by tomorrow, so please come and pay your dues. If
> you cannot attend, please contact me about how I can receive your
> membership dues so that you may be included in the membership total for
> 2020. Annual membership dues (only $10) allows us to fully participate in
> and have membership status in the National Federation of the Blind at our
> chapter level, at the state level, and at the National level. One of the
> benefits of membership is the right to vote in NFB elections.
> What a great segway to the other major activity of our upcoming meeting:
> Chapter elections! There are seven open positions (though the three Board
> positions need not be filled if there are not sufficient applicants for
> those positions).
> As set forth in relevant part from our Chapter Constitution:
> Article V: Officers and their Duties:
> The officers of this organization shall be:
> 1.     President;
> 2.     Vice President;
> 3.     Secretary;
> 4.     Treasurer.
> The President and the Vice President must be blind.
> Election of officers shall be held annually at the meeting in January. The
> terms of the officers will begin at the close of the meeting in which they
> are elected.
> Officers shall be elected by a majority of the membership present and
> voting.
> The duties of each officer are those ordinarily associated with the office.
> Article VI: Board of Directors:
> The Board of Directors consists of the four elected officers plus three
> additional members elected annually from the membership. A majority of the
> Board of Directors must be blind.
> The Board of Directors shall implement the policies and conduct the
> business of the organization between meetings of the membership.
> Note: Only a blind person (including low vision, VI, etc.) can run for
> either of the positions of president or vice-president. All other offices
> are open to individuals regardless of visual function.
> Currently, the elected officials of the Chapter are as follows:
> President: Anna Walker
> Vice-president: Matt Shore
> Secretary: Hilary McFadden
> Treasurer: Elizabeth Medina
> Neither Anna Walker nor Elizabeth Medina are running for re-election or
> for any office in 2020. Thus, there is no incumbent for either the
> President or Treasurer positions.
> Take care, and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!
> Carlton
> Carlton Anne Cook Walker
> Attorney at Law
> BEAR--Blindness Education and Advocacy Resources
> Teacher of Students with Blindness/Low Vision
> President, National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC)
> 101 Kelly Drive
> Carlisle, PA   17015
> Voice: 717-658-9894
> Twitter: braillemom
> *This message is not intended or offered as legal advice. * These
> materials have been prepared for educational and information purposes
> only.  They are not legal advice or legal opinions on any specific
> matters.  Transmission of the information is not intended to create, and
> receipt does not constitute, a lawyer-client relationship between this
> site, the author(s), or the publisher, and you or any other user.  Internet
> subscribers and online readers should not act, or fail to act, upon this
> information without seeking professional counsel.  No person should act or
> fail to act on any legal matter based on the contents of this site.  Unless
> expressly stated otherwise, no document herein should be assumed to be
> produced by an attorney licensed in your state.
> This message is from the law firm Carlton Anne Cook Walker, Attorney at
> Law.
> This message and any attachments may contain legally privileged or
> confidential information and are intended only for the individual or entity
> identified above as the addressee.
> If you are not the addressee, or if this message has been addressed to you
> in error, you are not authorized to read, copy, or distribute this message
> and any attachments.
> You are hereby requested to please delete this message and attachments
> (including all copies) and notify the sender by return e-mail or by phone
> at 717-658-9894.
> Delivery of this message and any attachments to any person other than the
> intended recipient(s) is not intended in any way to waive confidentiality
> or any privilege.

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