[PACapitalChapter] today's meeting notes

Hillary McFadden hmcfadden920 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 20:47:45 UTC 2020

 Are today’s meeting notes. 
Our Chapter  meeting began on Saturday February 15th 2020at 10 a. m. All who attended were Mark Pickens and Anna Walker on the conference call line, and Jason Polansky, Hillary McFadden, Carol Cruise and Carlton Walker and Elizabeth Medina and Matt Shore were in the room. Matt Shore and Elizabeth Medina arrived later. 
Personal updates: none 
 Secretary's report was done by CarltonWalker due to the absence of Hillary McFadden. Treasurer's releases from January and February were sent out in the email by Elizabeth medina. There was a presidential release today. It was only fifteen minutes long. 
Old business: Some of the membership dues were paid today. It was found out that the Messiah College's Winding Hill Campus building had some possible  space for  our Bell Academy. 
New business: The Nfb election was held today. Jason Polansky was elected president of the pa capital chapter. Matt Shore was elected vice president. Carol Cruise was elected secretary. Carlton Walker was elected treasurer. Hillary McFadden and Mark Pickens chose to serve on boards. Our meeting was motioned to adjourn at 11:23 a. M.     
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