[PACapitalChapter] Capital Chapter Meeting Notes 6-20-20

CAROLE cacruise at comcast.net
Sat Jun 20 15:17:44 UTC 2020

Attendance: Jason Polansky, Hillary McFadden, Christine Callahan, Tim McCarthy & baby Roy, Nic Spohn, Carole Cruise

Zoom number for meetings: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting began at 10am and adjourned at 10:48

-Tim shared that he’s having trouble getting information on voting accessibility for the blind in Cumberland County. He was told that there are many new people & they are trying to figure it out. Hopefully by the national Election in November.

-National Convention July14-18
-Registration now closed but many general session meetings will be accessible by computer or phone.
-Zoom will be the platform for the meetings
-the Convention agenda should be available in the next few days online. There is currently a brief outline version online.
-lots of effort has been made to make events run smoothly. There are considerations for time zone differences. There may be some glitches but hopefully all will be worked out.
-Jason encourages everyone to attend as many sessions as possible as valuable information and important resources will be shared
-if you’re out & about you can still participate by dialing in on your phone
-Nic Spohn our scholarship winner will be recording his speech to play at convention
-there may be a PA caucus meeting but that is still to be determined
-there was discussion about our Capital Chapter possibly getting together during convention at Jason’s to listen to a general session and maybe ordering pizza. Jason will send out a survey to the chapter to see who is interested in participating.
-Jason will contact Carlton to discuss chapter contributions to Pembrook Fund, White Cane Fund & Sun Fund during convention
-no chapter meeting in July due to overlap with convention
-next meeting August 19 at 10am

Respectfully Submitted by:
Carole Cruise
Secretary, Capital Chapter

Sent from XFINITY Connect Mobile App

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