[PACapitalChapter] Reminder: 2020 NFB BELL Academy Information

Brian Mackey bmackey88 at gmail.com
Fri May 22 01:43:16 UTC 2020

Greetings All,


  A gentle reminder to please enroll your child as soon as possible on the
link provided below (if you have not already done so). The session starting
June 1 is already full. Please share with all who may benefit from this
Academy. Thank you so much to the families who have already enrolled and to
those that are planning to. For your convenience, the flyer is attached to
this email.


Take care, be well and be safe,


NFB of Pennsylvania BELL Committee




While we are living in unprecedented times, we know that the National
Federation of the Blind has and will continue to meet the challenge of the
times with hope, love, and determination. One of the commitments we made
early in this COVID-19 pandemic was to provide resources for blind children
and their families and supporting the teaching of critical nonvisual
techniques and Braille literacy at home. We want to make sure that students,
parents, and volunteers have the best NFB BELL Academy experience possible.
We are condensing our academies into three nationally taught and coordinated
sessions with support from NFB affiliates. This summer two-week-long
sessions of NFB BELL Academy will take place at 11:00 a.m. EDT and at 6:00
p.m. EDT. Each session will last for 45 minutes during the following dates:

*	June 1, 2020 through June 12, 2020
*	June 22, 2020 through July 3, 2020
*	July 27, 2020 through August 7, 2020

Please note the 11:00 a.m. session taking place June 22, 2020 through July
3, 2020 will also be conducted in Spanish.

Each registered student will receive the materials to complete all lessons
alongside their parent/guardian via mail. Each day during the two-week
session, there will be two opportunities to connect via web or phone with an
experienced teacher. This gives students and families the opportunity to ask
questions and get to know each other.

Complete the registration form
<https://www.nfb.org/form/nfb-bell-academy-home-edition>  to sign up for one
of our NFB BELL Academy sessions (spaces are limited). The cost of this
program is free to participating families. However, if you wish to support
our efforts in providing Braille literacy please visit

NFBP BELL Academy Song

At the 2017 NFBP BELL Academy, the staff and students created a
<http://nfbp.org/wp-content/uploads/BellAcademySong2017.mov> song about
BELL. We hope you enjoy listening to it.

BELL Academy Pictures:

To view pictures taken during current or past NFB of Pennsylvania BELL
Academies, please visit our  <http://nfbp.org/bell/photos> BELL Academy
Pictures page.

Additional Information

For more information about the BELLR Academy, please visit
<https://www.nfb.org/bell-academy> www.nfb.org/bell-academy. To learn more
about the NFB of Pennsylvania BELL Academy programs, please contact Emily
Gindlesperger, our state BELL coordinator, at  <mailto:pabell at nfbp.org>
pabell at nfb



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