[PACapitalChapter] [NFBP-Talk] Democracy Live In PA

Denice Brown dbrown8827 at aol.com
Wed Oct 14 13:09:06 UTC 2020

Hi Everyone,


I am pleased to tell you that I received my Democracy Live Ballot yesterday.
I accessed it at the given website.The directions were clear, and that
allowed me to cast my ballot, review my choices, and print it off for
delivery to the post office, or an election dropoff center.


It felt great to have another way to vote privately, and independently.


Your vote is your Voice!

Denice Brown

Greater Philadelphia Chapter - President


Dbrown8827 at aol.com


From: NFBP-Talk [mailto:nfbp-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Brian
Mackey via NFBP-Talk
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 9:07 PM
To: NFBP listserv; greaterphilly-request at nfbnet.org;
keystonechapter at nfbnet.org; pabs at nfbnet.org; pacapitalchapter at nfbnet.org;
pagdu at nfbnet.org; NFB Greater Berks Chapter Google Group;
nfb-pa-bell at googlegroups.com
Cc: Brian Mackey
Subject: [NFBP-Talk] Democracy Live In PA


>From the desk of NFB of Pennsylvania President Lynn Heitz.


Hello Fellow Blind Voters in PA,


Please Join Us For This Most Important Demonstration!!!


We are excited to share the below demonstration sponsored by Democracy Live.
The Founder/CEO, Bryan Finney, and Director of Outreach  will be hosting a
demonstration for the OmniBallot on Thursday evening, at 8:00 PM,
specifically for the state of Pennsylvania, as the voting process varies
from state to state. Any blind voter living in Pennsylvania is welcome. 


Requesting an accessible absentee ballot:

4-89b6-470939896e05> &eId=3dac4230-8280-45c4-89b6-470939896e05


Zoom Meeting

Topic: PA OmniBallot Demo

Time: Oct 15, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time / 8:00 PM Eastern


Host: Charlie Kinnune

Co-Host: Bryan Finney


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 973 5979 5580

Passcode: 333983


For Audio

        +1 253 215 8782 


One tap mobile



I am looking forward to seeing all of you at this Zoom presentation,

Lynn Heitz



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