[PACapitalChapter] Monthly Meeting Saturday

CAROLE cacruise at comcast.net
Sun Sep 20 10:04:35 UTC 2020

Hello Everyone!
Please accept my apology for missing the meeting yesterday! My family has been struggling with illness (covid) and it has created such unusual days with the focus on taking care of everyone that I didn’t even realize it was Saturday until last night. I’ve been lost in the abyss of people with fevers & coughing & aching bodies and trying to just keep things running around here that I rarely have any awareness of the day or time. I knew the meeting was on Saturday but I didn’t even realize it was Saturday! Hopefully you understand that based on times in your life when you’re overwhelmed by what’s happening around you. I’m truly hoping that we are soon out of this craziness and my family is once again healthy! I do apologize for not attending the meeting! I sure hope to be there in October! Hope you are all staying well!
Carole Cruise

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