[PACapitalChapter] April Meeting Notes
cacruise at comcast.net
Sat Apr 17 20:20:02 UTC 2021
Virtual Zoom meeting began at 10am Saturday 4-17-21
Jason Polanski, Christine Callahan, Tim McCarthy, Mark Pickens, Rob Farabaugh, Cordelia Peters, Nick Peters, Carlton Walker, Carole Cruise
Jason called the meeting to order. He played the April Presidential Release #504
President Riccobonno discussed many topics of interest. A couple important points he
made are:
1. He encouraged members to consider getting the Covid 19 vaccine. He stated that currently the NFB is working out an arrangement with LYFT to provide rides to vaccination sites for members. Additional information will be coming soon with more details.
2. He mentioned the importance of contacting your legislators stating your support for the Access Technology Affordability Act and Voter Accessibility Act for upcoming elections.
3. Don’t forget to register for the virtual National Convention being held July 6 through July 10, 2021. You must register by 5-31-21 to be eligible to vote at convention.
Register at: NFB.org/registration
-After the Presidential Release there was a short Chapter discussion about the lack of movement for voter accessibility in PA. It seems to be stuck in committee due to some concerns from some legislators about voter fraud.
-Treasurer’s report: Carlton stated she sent out the report to all members prior to the meeting.
-Jason asked for ideas for topics of future meetings. Nick Peters talked about Ham Radio Operators which has a group at National Headquarters and the possibility of a future “field trip” for our chapter to tour Baltimore Facility. It was also suggested to have Emily Gindelsberger join our meeting to fill us in on legislative issues.
Next meeting: May 15th 2021 at 10 am
Respectfully submitted:
Carole Cruise, Secretary
Capital Chapter
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