[PACapitalChapter] Pennsylvania affiliate calendar

Marsha Drenth marsha.drenth at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 15:14:46 UTC 2021

> Did you know that the National Federation of the blind of Pennsylvania has an affiliate calendar? Yes, it does. All of the affiliate activities including chapter meetings, Committees, divisions, trainings, and other special events will be displayed on this calendar. If you would like to get subscribed to this calendar you can use the link below. Once you are subscribed to this calendar, you’ll notice that automatically all of the affiliate meetings and events that are displayed on this calendar will just show up on your iPhone or Outlook calendar. This is a good way for affiliate members to keep track of what is going on and when it will be happening. Please subscribe today! 

> subscribe link to calendar
> https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/7jgal0nrodbmg61a8aar0o3i2g%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics 

If for some reason you’re unable to subscribe to the calendar and need additional help please contact Marsha and Joseph Drenth here: 
Marsha.drenth at gmail.com   Or    Vp at nfbp.org  

Thank you! 

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