[PACapitalChapter] Final Call: Embossing The Future

Brian Mackey bmackey88 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 17:13:03 UTC 2021

Nowhere for blind students is the age old saying "a picture is worth a
thousand words" truer than when studying Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics (STEM) subjects. This presentation will illustrate key parts
of the many solutions with hardware and software tools for leveling the
playing field for blind students and allowing them to compete at the highest
levels. Mixing tactile graphics, braille and ink from standard applications
through a standard printer driver, enables those tasked with creating
accessible diagrams to use standard applications in the Windows environment.
In this presentation, the ViewPlus solution for Windows, Tiger Software
Suite v7, will be demonstrated with examples showing interline text and
braille, including math, from Word, plus charts from Excel and how to
quickly create tactile graphics with braille. In addition, a brief overview
of commercially available embossers/printers will be included along with a
sneak peak of audio tactile solutions for providing tactile graphics context
to assist with orientation. Participants will learn how to leverage this
widely used tactile graphics tool to make informative raised line drawings
for blind students.


Please join us Thursday June 10, 2021 at 11:00 AM EDT to have these and many
other STEM questions answered.


Dan Gardner, CEO of ViewPlus Technologies, will be joining us to discuss,
demonstrate and answer questions on accessibility for creating tactile


This is event is free and open to everyone.


Please registered here by Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 10:30am.  After
registration is complete, an event specific Zoom room link will be emailed
to the participants.




If completing the form via an iDevice, such as an iPhone, you will need to
perform the following if you are using VoiceOver:
- Flick over to the drop down fields, the field itself will be listed as
"Choose, list starts".
- Double tab on that and then the options to swipe through will be displayed
towards the bottom of the screen, similar to when you are setting up an
alarm on your phone using the Clock app.

If you are experiencing difficulty completing the form, please contact Brian
Mackey, NFB of PA webmaster, at 609-680-8488 or
<mailto:bmackey88 at gmail.com> bmackey88 at gmail.com. We intend to record this
event and post on the affiliate website for archival purposes.


Thank you!


National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania


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