[PACapitalChapter] The Deadline Is Here for Voting in the May 2021 Primary Election

Joseph Drenth joe.drenth at gmail.com
Mon May 10 15:34:03 UTC 2021

Hello everyone,
Request your electronic ballot today for the May primary election! Tomorrow
(May 11) at 5PM is the deadline to request an electronic ballot for the May
2021 primary election, so please do not wait any longer if you have not
already requested yours. We need to show Pennsylvania's Department of State
that blind and visually-impaired constituents will use the electronic voting
options, otherwise these opportunities might go away. 
To request your electronic ballot, there are two steps you need to take:
First, complete the form on the following web page to request a mail-in
ballot. This is the same form everyone else uses to request a mail-in ballot
and it is a requirement before you can request your accessible ballot:
Second, you need to request the accessible version of the mail-in ballot by
completing the form on the following web page:
You will then hear back via email when your requests have been processed and
accepted. One of the emails will include the link you can use to
electronically complete your accessible mail-in ballot. Once completed, you
will need to print it and place it in the two envelopes sent to you by your
county's board of elections.
To read about all of the voting options available to you, please visit the
following web page:
Mail-in and Absentee Ballot (votespa.com)
If you have any questions, please let us know by emailing vote at nfbp.org
<mailto:vote at nfbp.org> .
Joseph Drenth 
First Vice-President, National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation
Senior R&D Software Engineer, JBT Corporation, Automated Systems Division
Cell: 215-827-7787
Email: joe.drenth at gmail.com
From: Joseph Drenth <joe.drenth at gmail.com> 
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 12:55 PM
To: nfbp-talk at nfbnet.org; 'Greater Philadelphia Chapter Internet Mailing
List' <greaterphilly at nfbnet.org>; 'Keystone Chapter List of the NFB of PA'
<keystonechapter at nfbnet.org>; pacapitalchapter at nfbnet.org; 'NFB of
Pennsylvania Erie Chapter List' <nfbp-erie at nfbnet.org>; pabs at nfbnet.org
Subject: Important Notice about Voting
Voting Is Your Right Not A Privilege!
The Pennsylvania Primary will be here soon and you do not want to get left
out of being able to cast your ballot!!!!!
The Pennsylvania Department of State in working with Democracy Live has
recently made their forms totally accessible for those using screen reader
Visit the link below and follow all the instructions.
Do It Now Before It is too late!
Joseph Drenth 
First Vice-President, National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation
Senior R&D Software Engineer, JBT Corporation, Automated Systems Division
Cell: 215-827-7787
Email: joe.drenth at gmail.com <mailto:joe.drenth at gmail.com> 

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