[PACapitalChapter] NFB of PA 32 Auctions Important information
Marsha Drenth
marsha.drenth at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 21:33:48 UTC 2021
Hello All Friends of the NFB of PA,
> There is a lot of information included in this email so its important that you read all the way through this email.
> As of today, Saturday November 6, 2021; the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania 32 Auction page has been updated with more detailed information and with an additional basket. We have some really great items that your going to want to have including Eagles memorabilia, Philadelphia swag, handmade crocheted items, and one huge basket all about Shop Dine and Relax. To see all of the baskets go here:
> silent auction
> In order to bid on any of the wonderful NFB of PA baskets, you will need to first create a free 32 auction account. When you sign up, you will be providing your full name, your email address, creating a password, and agreeing to the platforms legalese. Once your information is submitted, an email will be sent to your email account to confirm that it’s really you that is signing up. There will be a link in the email that you will be required to follow to complete the sign up process. Once you are all set up with an account, you can bid on as many items as you want. No payment information is taken until you have successfully won the item at which time your sent an email with a link to complete payment.
> If your attending the convention in person, cash will be accepted for payment of your basket. Otherwise in person or virtually, payment can be made through a credit card, debit card, and or PayPal account. For those folks NOT in person, the item must be purchased before the basket is mailed.
> During our in person talent show on November 12 at 7 PM EST, we will be spotlighting each basket and providing a description of each. Not only will we be streaming some of the most gifted NFB of Pennsylvania members but this will give the public a reason to help our affiliate. Remember all of the proceeds from this auction will help the NFB of Pennsylvania continue the work on changing the societal misconceptions about blindness.
> If you would like help in learning how to use the 32auctions website, your invited to join the Greater Philadelphia chapter training on November 8 at 1 pm. Zoom information below.
> If you still require assistance, please find at the convention or call one of the NFB of PA leaders.
> Join Zoom Meeting
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5699964324?pwd=K0RlRnMzOThNYjdrblFIVDk4Q2tEQT09
> Meeting ID: 569 996 4324
> Passcode: 340253
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> Meeting ID: 569 996 4324
> Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcbd2I1oxt
Sent by Marsha Drenth on behalf of Joseph Drenth
Email: vp at nfbp.org
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