[PACapitalChapter] (2 weeks away) Online: Raising Confident and Competent Children - Blind Parents Group - Saturday 10.23.2021 7pm EST
Stacie Leap
stacie.leap at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 15:45:26 UTC 2021
*National Federation of the blind of Pennsylvania*
*Blind Parents Group*
*October 2021 Meeting*
Saturday, October 23, 2021
7pm to 8:30pm EST
Open to all regardless of location!
Zoom Information Below
*Topic*: Raising Confident and Competent Children
*Facilitator*: Valerie Anderson, Certified Facilitator from Triple P Program
This meeting is the second part of a six-part workshop series on “The
Powers of Positive Parenting.” Last month, we discussed what it means to be
a positive parent. This month, we will dive deeper into the topic and
discuss ways we can raise our children to be a confident and competent
child. Please come with an open mind and willingness to learn!
*About the Speaker:*
Valerie Anderson is a certified facilitator for the Power of Positive
Parenting (Triple P Program). She has a Master Degree in Social Work and
works part time as a parenting group facilitator at Turning Points for
Children’s Project F.A.M. Parenting Program for the past 7 years. Her group
facilitation skills include working with a variety of parents (i.e., women
in recovery, teen parents, early childhood parents…) in a variety of
settings throughout the city of Philadelphia.
*Overview of Triple P Program:*
The Triple P Program is an evidence- based program focused on parenting
children from the age 2-12 years old. It provides parents with positive
parenting techniques and strategies to teach children the skills to be
independent, manage their feelings, solve problems, and communicate to get
along with others. It has a cognitive behavior approach to parenting to
help children as well as parents make goals for change. Parents will be
able to develop their own personalized plans for positive parenting
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*Stacie Leap, CPE, CPS*
stacie.leap at gmail.com | 215.776.6741
Board Member, National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania: Keystone
Cambodian (Khmer) Interpreter
Intern, 3S Technologies LLC
Mental Health First Aid USA Instructor
Volunteer, Eyes Like Mine INC
WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) Facilitator
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