[PACapitalChapter] NFBPA: Letter of Invitation to Participate in a Research Study

Brian Mackey bmackey88 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 18:08:32 UTC 2022

Greetings to all,


Please share the following message to all that might be interested and meet
the eligibility criteria.




Letter of Invitation to Participate in a Research Study 

Dear Student, 

My name is Heidi Ancar. I am a doctoral student at the University of Arizona
Global Campus. I am kindly requesting your participation in a doctoral

project that I am conducting titled: Accessibility Challenges of Online
Learning Affecting Successful Degree Completion Among Visually Impaired

Students: An Exploratory Case Study. The intention is to explore how online
college students with visual impairment perceive accessibility challenges

how these challenges might influence successful degree completion for this
student population. The option of distance education and online learning

individuals with visual impairment the opportunity to pursue higher
education through using virtual classroom platforms. With this delivery
method of providing

students the opportunity of pursuing and possibly completing their academic
studies, the online/distance learning environment needs to be completely

to these students for them to be successful in their journey of degree

I would like to interview undergraduate/graduate students with visual
impairment who are currently taking at least one college course via distance
learning/online platforms to explore if these students have encountered any
perceived accessible challenges in the classroom and if they perceive these
challenges as having any impact on successful degree completion in their
studies. To be eligible for participation in this study, potential
participants must be: 

list of 1 items

. An undergraduate/graduate college student enrolled in at least one online
course at a two- or four-year college/university. 

list end

list of 3 items

. Have a visual impairment that impacts their ability to access course

. Have experience with online learning that is not fully accessible to the
student because of the student's visual impairment. 

. At least 18 years of age or older. 

list end

Participation in this study is voluntary, and participants may withdraw from
the study at any time without any notice. The study is completely anonymous;

therefore, it does not require you to provide your name or any other
identifying information. There is no compensation for participating in this

If you choose to participate in the study, you will be contacted via email
or telephone and schedule an interview at a time mutually agreeable to you

the researcher. The researcher will provide information on the virtual
location (Zoom) and how to access the platform. The interview will take

one hour to complete. 

If you have questions regarding your participation in the study, or if you
seek to verify authenticity of the study, please contact the University of

Global Campus (UAGC) Institutional Review Board chair at irb at uagc.edu or the
study chair, Susan Gunther, PhD, at susan.gunther at faculty.uagc.edu. To

in the study please contact me at hlancar at hotmail.com
<mailto:hlancar at hotmail.com>  or call me at (678) 226-9937. 

Thank you for your time and participation. 

Yours sincerely, 

Heidi Riley-Ancar, University of Arizona Global Campus  


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