[PACapitalChapter] 2022 National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania State Convention Agenda

Brian Mackey bmackey88 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 17:51:37 UTC 2022

Greetings to all!


Please visit  <http://www.nfbp.org/convention/agenda>
www.nfbp.org/convention/agenda or read below the *** for the online version
of the 2022 NFB of Pennsylvania State Convention Agenda. You can also access
both the online and downloadable versions of the agenda at
<http://www.nfbp.org/convention> www.nfbp.org/convention under the section
labeled "Agenda".


Look forward to seeing everyone in Pittsburgh November 10-13!





November 10-13, 2022
Sheraton Station square
300 W. Station square Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 261-200 0

Lynn Heitz, President
Joseph Drenth, Convention Chair
National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania, Inc.
101 Cambridge Place
Chalfont, PA 18914
Phone: (215) 988-0888
 <mailto:president at nfbp.org> president at nfbp.org
 <http://www.nfbp.org/> http://www.nfbp.org




Lynn Heitz:


First Vice-President:

Joseph Drenth:


Second Vice-President:

Emily Gindlesperger:



Harriet Go:



Brian Mackey:

609 680 8488


Simon Bonenfant:

610 212 0016

Denice Brown:


Kirk Hunger:


Michelle McManus:


Jason Polansky:

301 606 4480

Connie Scheu:


Description of the Sheraton Station Square Lobby

We will be using Cardinal directions to describe the hotel lobby. With your
back to the front doors, you are facing North and South is behind you. West
is to your left and East is to your right.

>From the Front Door, walk Northwest to the Front Desk. When you have
finished checking in, you will turn south (Left), walk about five feet, and
turn West (Right). This will put you on track toward the elevators to the
sleeping rooms. As you walk West you will pass the hotel gift shop on your
left. As you pass the gift shop follow the hallway bearing left. The
elevators will be on your left. Across the hallway from the elevators is a
small coffee stand. You can purchase from a limited menu of grab and go
breakfast items.

Back to the Front doors facing North. Walking North, you will encounter a
carpeted area with a variety of seating options. When you locate the
carpeted area, turn West (Left) to the end of the carpet and turn
North(right). Follow the carpet to the end, about twenty feet, continue
walking North, for another eight feet and you will arrive at the Hostess
Stand for the restaurant.

Back at the Front Doors facing North, walk forward to the carpeted area and
turn East(right) to the end of the carpet. At the end turn North(left)
following the carpet to the end. Continue walking North(straight) on the
tile floor. You will pass through a short walkway. In about four feet you
will find the Registration table and continuing North(straight) the doorway
to the Admiral and Reflections Ballrooms will be on your right.

2nd Floor Meeting Rooms:
Take one of the first two sleeping room elevators to the 2nd floor. When you
exit the elevator, bear right for about twelve feet and you will find a
hallway. Traveling down the hallway the first room on your right is Brighton
3 and 4. The second room on the right is Brighton 1 and 2. These rooms will
only be used on Friday.

Registration will be held Thursday, Nov. 10th from 11:00A.M. to 5:00P.M. and
on Friday, Nov. 11th from 10:00 A.M. to 3:30P.M. outside of the Admiral
Ballroom, Lobby Level.

A table featuring materials of the National Federation of the Blind will be
available in the registration area.

There is a dog relief area available outside of the hotel. For further
information, contact Joseph or Marsha Drenth.

There will be an Exhibit Hall on Thursday, Nov. 10th from 11:00A.M. to
5:00P.M. and on Friday, Nov. 11 from 9:00A.M. to 3:00P.M. located in the
Reflections Ballroom, Lobby Level.

Box Lunches will be available for pick-up on Thursday and Friday from
12:00P.M. to 1:00P.M. in the Reflections Ballroom, Lobby level

Thursday, November 10, 2022

9:30A.M. to 12:00P.M.

Senior Possibilities Fair; Connie Scheu and Deneice Hopper, Facilitators,
Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level

11:00A.M. to 5:00P.M.

Exhibit Hall, Reflections Ballroom, Lobby Level

Noon to 1:00P.M.

Box Lunches will be available in the Reflections Ballroom. Be sure to bring
your meal ticket

1:00P.M. to 5:00P.M.

Technology Seminar; Joseph Drenth, Moderator, Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level

7:00P.M. to 10:00P.M.

Celebration of Our Veterans; Emily Gindlesperger, Facilitator, 2nd Vice
President, NFB of PA.
Hors D'oeuvres will be available for attendees as well as a Cash Bar.
Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level

Friday, November 11, 2022

8:00A.M. to 9:30A.M.

Blind Parents Group; Facilitator: Stacie Leap, 2nd Vice President, Keystone
Chapter, NFB of PA, Brighton 3 and 4, 2nd Floor

9:00 A.M. to 10:15A.M.

Pennsylvania Association of Guide Dog Users Division Meeting; Marsha Drenth,
President, Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level

9:00A.M. to 12:00P.M.

Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students; Simon Bonenfant, President,
Brighton 1 and 2, 2nd Floor

9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Exhibit Hall; Reflections Ballroom, Lobby Level.

9:30 A.M. to 11:45A.M.

Pennsylvania Organization of Parents of Blind Children; Emily Gindlesperger,
President, Brighton 3 and 4, 2nd Floor.

10:00 A.M. to 3:30P.M.

Registration; outside of the Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level.

10:30A.M. to Noon.

NFB of Pennsylvania DeafBlind Division Meeting; Marsha Drenth, President,
Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level

Noon to 1:00P.M.

Box Lunches will be available in the Reflections Ballroom. Be sure to bring
your meal ticket

1:00P.M. to 2:00P.M.

Are We Ready To Take The Next Step? Considering a Constitution? Senior Blind
Meeting; Facilitators: Connie Scheu, 1st Vice President, Erie County
Chapter, NFB of Pa and Deneice Hopper, Member, Keystone Chapter, NFB of PA;
Brighton 3 and 4, 2nd floor

1:00P.M. to 2:00P.M.

Pennsylvania Association of Blind Merchants; Pamela Baquero, President,
Brighton 1 and 2, 2nd Floor

2:00P.m. to 3:00P.M.

What's Happening with The Jigsaw Chapter! Chris Westbrook, vice President,
Jigsaw Chapter, NFB of PA, Brighton 1 and 2, 2nd Floor

2:00P.M. to 3:30P.M.

Space: The Final Frontier; Matt Marone, PhD, Professor of Physics at Mercer
University in Macon, Georgia; David Hurd, PhD, Planetarium Director,
Professor of Astronomy, Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania Western
University; Daniel Gardner, CEO, View Plus Technologies, Inc.; Admiral
Ballroom, Lobby Level

Matt Marone is Professor of Physics at Mercer University in Macon Georgia
where he teaches Physics, Astronomy, and Asian Studies. He received his
Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from Clemson University in the area of experimental
solid-state physics and a B.S. degree in physics from the Rochester
Institute of Technology. In the early 1990s he worked as a post-doctoral
researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. At Mercer he
teaches a wide range of physics classes including several specialized
classes in observational astronomy, acoustical foundations of music, and
ancient Chinese science. In addition to his academic research, he is also
active in the area of space resources. This work involves the extraction of
oxygen and metals from the regolith of the Moon, Mars, and asteroids.

Dr. Marone is the author of The Art of Teaching Physics with Ancient Chinese
Science and Technology and Teaching Physics Through Ancient Chinese Science
and Technology.

David Hurd has been teaching about the wonders of science for over 35 years.
Dr. Hurd is currently professor of geosciences and planetarium director at
Pennsylvania Western University. His broad science background coupled with
his high energy and inquiry-based pedagogy is stamped on his teaching
techniques and is evidenced through recognition including recipient of the
prestigious Emmons Award through the Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
2-time winner of Teacher of the Year at Edinboro, and keynote speaker for
national planetarium conference.

Along with his colleague at College of Charleston, Hurd has written and
produced over 10 tactile books published by NASA and maintains close
affiliation with several NASA centers. His extensive work with students who
are blind/VI is supported by grants with Pennsylvania Space Grant
Consortium, National Science Foundation and NASA.

Dan Gardner is the CEO and eldest son of the ViewPlus founders, John and
Carolyn Gardner. He started as CEO in 2015 after a varied career in high
tech and finance. He achieved a bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer
Engineering from the University of California, San Diego. His wife,
Susannah, and two kids, Kelly and Taylor, work or have worked at ViewPlus.

2:15P.M. to 3:15P.M.

Yoga for All: Carol Lubecki, Certified Yoga Instructor, Blind and Vision
Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh, Brighton 3 and 4, 2nd Floor


NFB of Pennsylvania Board Meeting; Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level


Nominating Committee; Brighton 3 and 4, 2nd Floor

5:15P.M. to 6:00P.M.

Resolutions Committee; Michelle McManus, Chair, Admiral Ballroom, Lobby

7:00P.M. to?

Open Mic and Live Auction; Hors D'oeuvres will be available for attendees as
well as a Cash Bar; Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level

SATURDAY, November 12, 2022


I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of
the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity and security for the blind; to
support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its

General Session, Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level




Tribute to our Nation and the National Federation of the Blind


Welcome: Emily Gindlesperger, 2nd Vice President of NFB of PA and President
Housekeeping: Joseph Drenth, Convention Chair


Presidential Report; Lynn Heitz, President, National Federation of the Blind
of Pennsylvania


NFB National Report; Karl Smith, National Representative and Chairman, board
of Directors, Louisiana Center for the Blind, Ruston, Louisiana


What Can I do To Relieve Stress? Liliya Asadullina, licensed massage
therapist by the Academy of Massage Therapy and Body Works and CPR/First Aid


Getting A Bill Passed: How Does the Legislature Work; Brian Rasel, Chief of
Staff, State Representative George Dunbar, District 56, Westmoreland County


What is the Pennsylvania Client Assistance Program and Why Are They A
Secret? Stephen S. Pennington, Esq., Executive Director, PA Client
Assistance Program




Making the Service connection; Erika Petach,
President/CEO, Blind and Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh


An Update from the State Board of vocational Rehabilitation: What Are They
Being told? Joseph Drenth, Member, State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation
and 1st Vice President, NFB of PA


What's Happening at Blindness and Visual Services? Dawn Sokol, Acting
director, Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services, Office of Vocational
Rehabilitation, Commonwealth of PA




Lunch; Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level


Reaching For The Stars; Matt Marone, PhD, Professor of Physics at Mercer
University in Macon Georgia; David Hurd, PhD, Planetarium Director,
Professor of Astronomy, Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania Western
University; Daniel Gardner, CEO, View Plus Technologies, Inc.


Confessions of a Networking Addict: Eileen Rivera Ley, CEO, Blind Savvy USA


Report of the Nominating Committee and Elections


PACE: What is IT? And How Can I Get Involved? Thomas Snedden, director,
Pennsylvania PACE Program, and Rebecca Lorah, PACE Program Manager, Outreach
and Enrollments, Department of Aging, commonwealth of PA


Do You and Your Prescription Medications Get Together On A Regular Basis?
Andy Burstein, CEO, Accessible Pharmacy Services, Fairless Hills,


An Update from The Bureau of Special Education: Carol Clancey, Director,
Bureau of special Education, Department of Education, Commonwealth of PA.


How Can We Assist PATTAN? Gregory A. Lazur, Educational Consultant,
Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network


Moving forward with Accessibility; Ellen Strom, Chief Accessibility Officer,
Office of Administration, Commonwealth of PA




What's New at LAMP? Mark Lee, Administrator, Library of Accessible Media for


My Experience as a Miss Blind Diva; Esther Gillyard, Member, Keystone
Chapter, NFB of PA


My National Convention Experience: Christine Palmer, Member, Greater
Philadelphia Chapter, NFB of PA


Reports and Resolutions




Cash Bar; Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level.


Banquet; Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level

SUNDAY, November 13, 2022


Breakfast; Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level.


Chapter Breakfast; Moderator Harriet Go, Secretary, NFB of PA and President,
Keystone Chapter

Business Meeting; Admiral Ballroom, Lobby Level


State Financial Report; Brian Mackey, NFB of Pennsylvania Treasurer


Funding at the National level; Karl Smith, National Representative


Funding at the State level; Lynn Heitz, NFB of PA President


Funding at the Local Level; David Goldstein, Treasurer, Keystone chapter,


Legislative Report; Emily Gindlesperger, NFB of PA Legislative Chairperson


Reports and Resolutions



The National Federation of the Blind is not an organization speaking for the
blind-It is the Blind speaking for themselves.


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