[PACapitalChapter] GoodMaps

Kevin Kline kevin.kline at goodmaps.com
Thu Aug 22 14:23:26 UTC 2024


 My name is Kevin and I work with GoodMaps. If you have not heard of us before, we are an inclusive and accessible indoor navigation company. We give turn by turn directions in real time to people who are blind and low vision, deaf, and anyone else who may need assistance walking through an indoor environment. Some of the venues that we have mapped out so far or Airports, transit, and education building such as universities and schools for the blind. I wanted to reach out to you today to see if there was any possibilities of speaking with any of your members about GoodMaps. As I am a blind individual who uses the app as well it is important to me on a personal level to engage with the users and let them know the benefits of our application, and how to advocate for it to be in a location near them. Thank you for your time and let me know if there’s any Possibilities of speaking arrangements in the near future.

Kevin Kline
Community Engagement Representative

Mobile | 270-836-5522

1839 Frankfort Ave
Louisville, KY 40206

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