[PACapitalChapter] Fwd: Rate your Voting Experience by Dec. 5

Stacie Leap stacie.leap at gmail.com
Sun Dec 1 10:06:14 UTC 2024

Hello everybody!

If you voted in the November 2024 election, please consider taking a survey
from our national office. The survey will give a better reflection on how
accessible or not accessible your voting process was. You have until
December 5 to complete the survey!
You do not have to be a NFB member to fill out this form! Please forward
this email to other blind or low vision individuals within your networks!

More information including the links to fill out the survey and contact
information is in the forwarded email below. I am not directly involved in
this so I cannot offer much additional information.




*Stacie Leap*
stacie.leap at gmail.com | 215.776.6741

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: National Federation of the Blind <webmaster at nfb.org>
Date: Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 6:05 PM
Subject: Rate your Voting Experience by Dec. 5
To: Stacie Leap <stacie.leap at gmail.com>

[image: National Federation of the Blind logo and tagline live the life you
want] <https://nfb.org/civicrm/mailing/url?u=36584&qid=10645497>
Share Your 2024 Voting Experience

En español (Spanish)

All blind and low-vision voters, please share both good and bad voting
experiences you've had in this year’s general election by completing the
National Federation of the Blind 2024 Blind and Low-Vision Voter Experience
Survey either online or by phone.

   - Voter Survey for In-Person via web.
   - Voter Survey for Absentee or Mail via web.
   - Voter Survey via phone: call 229-632-7878 or toll-free 833-632-7878.
   Please note that the phone number above provides the survey in an automated
   system and will require the survey to be completed in one session. There is
   an option to pause the survey for five minutes and the pause can be
   extended as needed. Push the pound key for help and the star key exits the
   help menu.
   - Spanish Survey via web: Encuesta de votantes ciegos en español

Thank you for your help on this important matter.
About Our Voting Efforts

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act requires that blind and
low-vision voters must be provided an opportunity to vote privately and
independently that is equivalent to the opportunity provided to voters
without disabilities. For many years the National Federation of the Blind
has advocated for the right of blind and low-vision Americans to vote
privately and independently, and while our efforts have resulted in much
progress, we will continue our work as long as there are blind voters who
are denied the private and independent exercise of their fundamental right.

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| 410-659-9314
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