[PACapitalChapter] Welcome to the NFB of PA family : PA Organization of Blind Parents!

Stacie Leap stacie.leap at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 14:39:25 UTC 2024

Hello all!

Just some amazing updates for our blind parents!!!

The NFB of PA's Blind Parents Group had their first meeting virtually in
March 2021with Stacie Leap as their Chair. Since then, we have collaborated
with many agencies and organizations to provide information to our blind
parents and grandparents. We had monthly support groups where our blind
parents and grandparents are given a platform to voice their opinions and
Now, as of November 9, 2024, the Blind Parents Group has now been promoted
to the Pennsylvania Organization of Blind Parents! The Pennsylvania
Organization of Blind Parents (POBP) has been officially chartered and
recognized by the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania as their
newest division!

I want to introduce everybody to the new board members!
President: Stacie Leap
Vice President: Christine Palmer
Secretary: Lyvette Byrd
Treasurer: Marva Hall

If you are a blind parent, a blind grandparent, or a supporter of blind
parenting, please consider joining our division! Annual membership dues are
$11 and you can contact our Treasurer Marva Hall at marva at myyahoo.com or
via phone at 215-834-0102.



*Stacie Leap*
stacie.leap at gmail.com | 215.776.6741

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