[PACapitalChapter] Treasurer's Report for Capital Chapter of the NFB of PA for February 15, 2025 meeting

Carlton Anne Cook Walker attorneywalker at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 12:51:14 UTC 2025

Please find set forth below and attached hereto the
Chapter Treasurer's Report for our meeting this month. It contains bank
activity through the end of last month.

At this point, I have received 2025 Chapter membership dues for only FIVE
individuals: Christine Callaghan, Carlton Walker, Hillary McFadden, Tim
Rial, and Jason Polansky. Thus, at this time, these are the only
individuals eligible to hold office in the Chapter (pursuant to Article 6
of the Constitution of the Capital Chapter of the National Federation of
the Blind of Pennsylvania).
Additionally, Article 4, Section 1 of our Chapter Constitution declares
that a quorum requires a minimum of six members present at a meeting. If
this quorum is not met, no business can be conducted. Thus, at this point,
the Chapter cannot conduct any business.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you,
and have a wonderful day!

Treasurer’s Report for February 15, 2025 Meeting of the Capital Chapter of
the NFB of Pennsylvania Account Balances Total of All Chapter Accounts (as
of January 31): $1,044.00 Checking (as of January 31, 2025):
$573.57                        Net up $5.00

·       *Down $5.00* ($5 January 2025 NFB PAC Pre-Authorized Contribution)

·       *Up $10.00* (2025 Chapter dues for Jason Polansky)
Savings (as of January 31, 2025): $470.43
       Net up $0.04

·       *Up $0.04* (January 2025 interest income)
Income and Expenses Current Income (January 1 through January 31, 2025):

·       *$0.04* (January 2025 interest income)

·       *$10.00* (2025 Chapter dues for Jason Polansky)
Current Expenses (January 1 through January 31, 2025): $5.00

·       $5.00 (January 2025 NFB PAC Pre-Authorized Contribution)
Upcoming expenses: $25.00

·       Monthly $5.00 PAC plan payment

·       *$20.00 *(owed to affiliate for 2025 membership dues for five
people – minus $5 NFB of PA owes to our Chapter – check was lost)
Upcoming income: None Assets: $225.00

·       Panera gift e-cards with face value totaling $225.00
List of Paid members for 2024:

1.    Carlton Walker

2.    Jason Polansky

3.    Christine Callaghan

4.    Pam Bacquero

5.    Carol Cruise

6.    Hillary McFadden

7.    Tim McCarthy

8.    Rebecca McCarthy

9.    Steve Morelli

10. Theodore Mammis

11. Rachel Hudson

12. Tim Rial

List of Paid members for 2025:

1.    Christine Callaghan

2.    Carlton Walker

3.    Hillary McFadden

4.    Tim Rial

5.    Jason Polansky

Carlton Anne Cook Walker
Attorney at Law
BEAR--Blindness Education and Advocacy Resources
Teacher of Students with Blindness/Low Vision
101 Kelly Drive
Carlisle, PA   17015
Voice: 717-658-9894
Twitter: BrailleMom

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