[PACapitalChapter] Fwd: Upcoming Call: Shape Career Development
Stacie Leap
stacie.leap at gmail.com
Sat Jan 18 03:23:13 UTC 2025
Hello all:
Please consider attending these advocacy meetings virtually! FYI.
*Stacie Leap*
stacie.leap at gmail.com | 215.776.6741
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: National Federation of the Blind <webmaster at nfb.org>
Date: Fri, Jan 17, 2025 at 5:03 PM
Subject: Upcoming Call: Shape Career Development
To: Stacie Leap <stacie.leap at gmail.com>
[image: National Federation of the Blind logo and tagline live the life you
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Advocacy and Policy Briefing on AbilityOne Career Development
The National Federation of the Blind is offering an informational briefing
on January 21, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern via Zoom regarding a draft government
policy enhancing career development for the blind community. Review the
background and overview below.
Please register now for the NFB Advocacy Briefing
<https://nfb.org/civicrm/mailing/url?u=37216&qid=10900490>. Closed captions
AbilityOne Draft Policy Background The AbilityOne Commission, who operates
specialized employment programs for blind individuals or people with
significant disabilities, recently released draft policy 51.405, which will
have a significant positive influence over career development initiatives.
The National Federation of the Blind has provided much feedback to shape
this policy. Now, the voice of our members needs to be heard directly so
that the AbilityOne Commission and its central nonprofit agencies can
understand how important these changes are to blind Americans.
The AbilityOne program is authorized by Congress and run by two central
nonprofit agencies: National Industries for the Blind and SourceAmerica.
These two central nonprofit agencies have oversight of qualified nonprofit
agencies that bid on federal contracts to produce products and services,
which appear on the procurement list, and can be purchased by federal
agencies. Until several years ago, these qualified nonprofit agencies were
known for paying disabled people less than the minimum wage under 14(c)
special wage certificates. Fortunately, thanks to the direct advocacy
efforts of members of the National Federation of the Blind, reform has
occurred, and these nonprofits are no longer allowed to pay subminimum
wages on AbilityOne contracts. There is a significant modernization process
AbilityOne Draft Public Meeting
On January 23, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern, the AbilityOne commission will be
holding their quarterly public meeting to provide information about draft
policy 51.405 and seek public comment. You can request to speak at the
January 23 meeting, but you can also provide comments by email until
February 15, 2025.
Registration is required for the AbilityOne quarterly public meeting
Some members have reported problems completing the above form. There is a
required question regarding accommodation. Please answer yes or no to this
question, as the edit field appears to be required.
Please attend our briefing on January 21
<https://nfb.org/civicrm/mailing/url?u=37216&qid=10900490> to learn more
about draft policy 51.405 and learn how to make public comments that will
shape the future of the AbilityOne program.
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