[PAGDU] Happy Birthday to the Keystone Chapter of the NFB of PA!!!!

Stacie Leap stacie.leap at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 18:32:25 UTC 2021

Hello everybody!

I want to wish a Happy 30th Birthday to the Keystone Chapter of the
National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania!!!The chapter was
chartered on Saturday, December 21, 1991!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Thank you to all who came out for our last chapter meeting and

Below, please find the full excerpt the Winter 1992 issue of The Blind

"On Saturday, 12-21-91, fourteen people met at the Robinson Building in
Philadelphia to form the Keystone Chapter of the National Federation of the
Blind of Pennsylvania. The officers are: Patrick Comorato, president;
Patricia Grebloski, first vice-president; Christopher Kuczynski, second
vice-president; Ted Young, secretary, and Janet Cavna, treasurer. As this
chapter believes that a board should only conduct business when necessary,
between monthly meetings, and that most business should be handled at the
monthly meetings, the five elected officers constitute the board of
directors. We look forward to many great programs from the Keystone

Thank you for helping extend our history to today! Thank you to all the
members, board of directors, and all our supporters throughout the year!

On behalf of the Keystone Chapter, we would like to wish everybody a Happy
Holidays and a cheerful Happy New Year!!!!
*Stacie Leap, CPE, CPS*
stacie.leap at gmail.com | 215.776.6741

Board Member, National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania: Keystone
Cambodian (Khmer) Interpreter
Intern, 3S Technologies LLC
Mental Health First Aid USA Instructor
Volunteer, Eyes Like Mine INC
WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) Facilitator
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