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<p class="p1">Hey, there PA Federationists!</p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">Here is a reminder of our monthly statewide meeting: Coffee with the President and Board.</p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">Grab your beverage of choice and connect with the board members of the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania. Learn about advocacy efforts affecting the blind community. I have a feeling that our President, Lynn Heitz, will have some exciting news about the upcoming convention in Erie.</p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">Date: TONIGHT!</p>
<p class="p1">Time: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM ET</p>
<p class="p1">Location: Zoom (information below.)</p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1"> For more information, please contact NFB of PA's President Lynn Heitz at <a href="mailto:president@nfbofpa.org"><span class="s1">president@nfbofpa.org</span></a><span class="s2">.</span></p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">Join Zoom Meeting</p>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1"><a href="https://nfb-org.zoom.us/j/96349504843?pwd=Tk5zL3RRRnd4QjRiRzl2ODM0bEJmQT09">https://nfb-org.zoom.us/j/96349504843?pwd=Tk5zL3RRRnd4QjRiRzl2ODM0bEJmQT09</a></span></p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">Meeting ID: 963 4950 4843</p>
<p class="p1">Passcode: 1977</p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">---</p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">One tap mobile</p>
<p class="p1">+16469313860,,96349504843# US</p>
<p class="p1">+13017158592,,96349504843# US (Washington DC)</p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">---</p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">Meeting ID: 963 4950 4843</p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">Find your local number: <a href="https://nfb-org.zoom.us/u/adKm73jHNm"><span class="s1">https://nfb-org.zoom.us/u/adKm73jHNm</span></a></p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">Hope to see you via Zoom tonight!</p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">Regards,</p>
<p class="p2"> </p>
<p class="p1">David</p>