[Perform-talk] It's All About The Music And Feeling Good On Tonight's Djd Invasion

David Dunphy djdrocks4ever at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 20:46:41 UTC 2012

On The Last week Of February,
Djd will give to thee,
A lot of musical variety!

And that's what you'll get on tonight's edition of The Djd Invasion on Audio Access FM and ACB Radio Interactive starting at 8 PM eastern tonight. Hear some music that will warm you up with the lyrics in these winter months; travel back to the sixties and seventies for other songs; hear some country, and of course, your requests to complete the picture!
During tonight's show, which starts at 8 PM eastern, you can send in requests
By email at
thedjdinvasion at audioaccessfm.com
Via twitter at either
Via skype at
or via phone at
516 324 2314

It'll be two hours of conversation, fun, and great feel good music, so to be there, save this email, and at any time between 8 and 10PM eastern, go to
to tune in.
Hope to seee you there!
>From David Dunphy, host of The Djd Invasion on Audio Access FM
and ACB Radio Interactive

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