[Perform-Talk] Special events committee members needed

Katelyn MacIntyre katelynmacmusic at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 00:15:50 UTC 2016

Hello fellow Federationists!
For those of you who don't know me, I am currently the Vice President of the Performing Arts Division as well as the chair of the Special Events committee. The purpose of this committee is to coordinate the planning and execution of special events throughout the year (as well as helping with those at convention) to promote growth, community, learning, and engagement among the membership of this division. These could be anything from conference calls to on-site meetings, or whatever ideas we might come up with. Right now I am looking for additional members to help with this committee as we delve into the new year ahead. I am seeking people who are passionate about the division and creative with ideas, but also who are willing to get into the nitty-gritty organizational details of planning events. If you are interested in helping out in this area, please contact me at katelynmacmusic at gmail.com . Also, if you're not sure about being on the committee but have ideas for events for our division, I would love to hear from you as well! I look forward to working with you all to strengthen and further the work of our division, and change what it means to be blind performing artists.

Warmest regards,
~Katelyn MacIntyre
Vice President, National Federation of the Blind Performing Arts Division

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