[Perform-Talk] division news and updates

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 22:46:10 UTC 2017

hello all,
well, I have noticed that this has been quiet besides me with news
from the performing arts division. I know that the summer is now
windingwind for all of us and, that fall is right around the corner
and,that's time for state conventions and other things to happen in
the nfb and also in this division. I was wondering how things went at
fconvention this summer and, what happened at the meeting and the
other successes of the fundraisers that the division had convention? I
wouldlike to know especially for members like myself who weren't
present at this year's convention? anyway, I just wanted to let you
all know thatafter today I will be leaving for Michigan for a very
deserving summer vacation/fall vacation! I will be back to Colorado on
September 6th in Colorado but, I won't be back on my computer until
that weekend! so, if it's a major emergency that needs my immediate
attendtion than I will be there! or, you can always call my cell. most
of you all already have my cell so, I won't repeat it here to clutter
the list and, also for repeating but, I will give it again. it's
303-588-7725. well, I believe that's all for now take care and I will
talk to you all soon!

hugs always,

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