[Perform-Talk] ncis episode on cbs

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 05:16:16 UTC 2018

Speaking to the thought regarding minority groups and casting, Kate Mulgrew, an Irish-American woman. was cast as such when playing Kathryn Janeway in Star Trek Voyager,,  but interestinglly  enough was cast  an russian woman when she took on the role of “Red” in Orange is the New black.
 There have been situations where a role has been changed to fit the person who tried out for the role because the person who tried out fit what the director really needed. Chandra Wilson comes to mind. Wilson, and African-American woman was not the white blonde they wanted to fill the role of Dr. Maranda Bailey on Grey’s Anatomy but those of us who watch the show couldn’t imagine anyone else because her  personality fits the show.
 I suppose it truly depends, but just my thoughts for what they may be worth.    

> On Apr 22, 2018, at 10:44 PM, Julie McGinnity via Perform-talk <perform-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for a great discussion!
> First, and most important, good for Katelyn and Maria for auditioning!
> I'm so glad we had some of our number in the running!
> As for the topic of blind and otherwise disabled people in the
> acting/performing industries, I believe we have a few issues at hand.
> It is true that if a role calls specifically for a black, Hispanic,
> etc person, no one outside of that description would be hired.  But I
> wonder if it is easier for people in other minority groups to transfer
> into roles where there might not be a specific characteristic given or
> required.  I am much more familiar with stage acting than film acting,
> so maybe I am totally off and film acting isn't open-ended like that
> at all.  I'm thinking here about various identity or career-related
> characteristics.  Teachers, mothers, active children, even kings and
> queens.  Would it be difficult for most people to seamlessly envision
> transitioning a blind person into those roles?  We know that blind
> people could most certainly play teachers, mothers, active children,
> and kings and queens.  Why not?  Unfortunately, society does not
> always think like the members of the National Federation of the Blind.
> If we're talking other minority groups though, they would be more
> likely, I believe, than blind and disabled people to be cast in those
> roles.  Let's be real...  We can probably all find members of other
> minority groups in those roles on tv or in movies.
> I've done a lot of reading on this topic, and it's quite interesting
> to me.  Our community is often divided on whether or not sighted
> people should ever play blind characters.
> I would be most interested to hear from the actors on this list, like
> Maria.  How would this be approached in your training?  Are you
> encouraged to audition for sighted roles at all?  I would imagine
> so...  But where are the boundaries between unrealistic and
> believable?  For example, the sighted world may not be ready to see a
> blind detective on Law and Order, but a blind lawyer?  Probably.  How
> are blind actors taught to think about these things?  Or am I just
> completely overthinking them?  Perhaps the rule is to audition for
> anything, no matter your blindness?
> Going back to my point about other minority groups, research has been
> done showing that Hollywood does not treat disability as though it is
> diversity.  There are plenty of movements that seek to diversify
> casts, but they don't include disability most of the time.  Again, our
> community is divided on the reason for this.  Some say that there
> aren't qualified blind actors out there.  Some say that we're not
> given chances and can't get experience.  Maybe it's a little bit of
> both.  All you job seekers know what it feels like to hunt for a job
> that requires experience no one will give you.
> Thoughts?
> Julie
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> On 4/22/18, Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter via Perform-talk
> <perform-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> I agree, she would be great as a presenter for National.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Perform-talk <perform-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Amy Sabo
>> via Perform-talk
>> Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2018 3:58 PM
>> To: Performing Arts Division list <perform-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> Cc: Amy Sabo <amieelsabo at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Perform-Talk] ncis episode on cbs
>> hello darron,
>> thanks for your kind words on this topic. that's why I decided to post this
>> to the list for others beside myself to post this thread to the list! it was
>> kinda of getting kinda of quiet here and, I thought some lovely discussion
>> on this topic would serve on this list!
>> as to me and my feelings on how blindness was portrayed in this episode I
>> thought that it was portrayed in a very positive manner and, and it was
>> kinda of humerous for ncis which is a drama show on cbs and, not a comedy!
>> as for the convention as for having her speak for the division meeting I
>> think this would be a excellent idea for a panel on blind actors or just
>> having her speak alone. I also think that president ricabanno should have
>> her speak during general sessions. that would make for a good presentation
>> on the agenda for general sessions. national has had some knowledgeable
>> speakers at convention like many I have told here like Dianne Quinn, chris
>> Matthews of hard ball, and many others too!  I think that's something that
>> the board should bring that the president ricabanno's attention and, also
>> have the above as presenters for the division meeting.
>> that's just my thoughts and ideas. thanks again and, I will talk to you
>> soon!
>> hugs,
>> amy
>> On 4/22/18, Darian Smith via Perform-talk <perform-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I think that it is great that we are having this conversation. I know
>>> that The National Federation of the Blind was consulted when it came
>>> to this episode, and my understanding was that a blind actress was
>>> selected to fill the role.
>>> Of course, these are positive things and is a victory in that blind
>>> people are being truly considered in matters that pertain  to us.
>>> how did people enjoy the episode? how did you feel blindness was
>>> portrayed in the episode?
>>> Brandon, you say that  Marilee communicated to you in your talking
>>> with her that she grew up a member of the NFB  Is she still?
>>> It would be interesting to find out how  her involvement in the
>>> federation shaped  her beliefs in blindness  and how those impacted her
>>> career.
>>> I don’t know what the performing Arts Division has planned for
>>> national convention, but I wonder if she might be a good idea for a
>>> presenter?
>>> If nothing else, president Riccobono is looking for ideas  for the
>>> convention, and I wonder if she might be a great fit there?
>>>> On Apr 22, 2018, at 4:31 AM, Brandon Keith Biggs via Perform-talk
>>>> <perform-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Marilee is indeed legally blind, she has 20/400 vision and only
>>>> peripheral vision from rod-cone dystrophy, so she is unequivocally
>>>> "blind"!
>>>> She also grew up as part of the NFB from what she has told me.
>>>> If you can find some recordings of her play Truce, she tells her life
>>>> story
>>>> there:
>>>> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00tjdnv
>>>> https://www.sfgate.com/performance/article/Theater-review-Impending-b
>>>> lindness-in-Truce-3269890.php
>>>> She is from the Bay Area.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Brandon Keith Biggs <http://brandonkeithbiggs.com/>
>>>> On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 12:09 AM, Katelyn MacIntyre via Perform-talk
>>>> < perform-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I also submitted for the role of Annie B in the NCIS show, and had
>>>>> some delightful exchanges with the casting directors while they were
>>>>> considering. They did genuinely seem to desire to do the right thing
>>>>> and hire a blind actress. I haven’t had time to watch the episode
>>>>> yet, though I plan to do so, and of course I have never met Marilee
>>>>> Talkington, the actress who was cast for the NCIS in person, but
>>>>> there are several articles about her online saying that she is
>>>>> “legally blind.” She also calls herself a disability activist on her
>>>>> own website. Here is one such article about an unrelated show
>>>>> describing her as blind: http://lighthouse-sf.org/2010/
>>>>> 03/09/marilee-talkingtons-truce-premieres-march-17-2/ So, it does
>>>>> appear to me that NCIS did try to hire a blind actress. I absolutely
>>>>> do agree, however, that there are far too many disabled characters
>>>>> played by non-disabled people in the entertainment industry, which
>>>>> needs to continue to be an important topic of discussion and
>>>>> advocacy. I hope this is helpful. It makes me so happy to know that
>>>>> several NFB people auditioned for the part, even if we didn’t get
>>>>> it! :-)
>>>>> Warmest regards,
>>>>> ~Katelyn MacIntyre
>>>>> www.katelynmac.com
>>>>> www.facebook.com/KatelynMacMusic
>>>>> @KatelynMacMusic
>>>>> Vice President, National Federation of the Blind Performing Arts
>>>>> Division
>>>>>> On Apr 21, 2018, at 11:04 PM, Amy Sabo via Perform-talk <
>>>>> perform-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>> oh my gosh! I almost forgot about the actress who did the voice for
>>>>>> rudragts!  her name was Dianne quan and, as a matter of fact she
>>>>>> was a speaker at general sessions at the nfb national convention in
>>>>>> Louisville, ky in 2002. I knew of her through a article that was
>>>>>> written about her in usa today in the life section and, she was
>>>>>> also featured the summer or which issue of the nickeloden magazine.
>>>>>> I will try to find those articles if anyone is interested in me
>>>>>> posting them here on the list
>>>>>> btw, sory for the misspellings it's late here so, I do apologize
>>>>>> for that  lol.....
>>>>>> hugs,
>>>>>> amy!
>>>>>>> On 4/21/18, Joseph Bundy via Perform-talk
>>>>>>> <perform-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> There has been some famous blind actors. The girl who played Kimmy
>>>>>>> on the show Rug Rats was blind. They converted all of her scripts
>>>>>>> into braille.
>>>>>>>> On 4/22/18, Maria  via Perform-talk <perform-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Amy,
>>>>>>>> I actually auditioned for the role and this is why I know that
>>>>>>>> many
>>>>> blind
>>>>>>>> actresses auditioned.  The day I auditioned, there were about 15
>>>>>>>> other blind ladies auditioning.  I was ok with not getting the
>>>>>>>> role as long as they hired someone who was actually blind.  I
>>>>>>>> don't think it's ok for this
>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> happen and, let me tell you, it happens all of the time.  Would
>>>>>>>> it be
>>>>> ok
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> hire a white person to play the role of a black person as long as
>>>>>>>> they consulted a black person first?  I'm sorry, but to me this
>>>>>>>> is unacceptable.
>>>>>>>> I sincerely hope that one day the disabled  community will be
>>>>>>>> included
>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> this industry, and not just as consultants.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Maria
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: Perform-talk [mailto:perform-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>>>>>>> Behalf
>>>>> Of
>>>>>>>> Amy
>>>>>>>> Sabo via Perform-talk
>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2018 10:26 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Performing Arts Division list
>>>>>>>> Cc: Amy Sabo
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Perform-Talk] ncis episode on cbs
>>>>>>>> hello maria,
>>>>>>>> I didn't know that she was a sighted actress. as a matter of fact
>>>>>>>> I googled her name from the synsopasis that I pasted in the
>>>>>>>> message that I posted to the list to see if you were rifght or not
>>>>>>>> and, you were!
>>>>>>>> I didn't know that they auditioned many blind actresses for this
>>>>>>>> role and, that you know of them. I think that's something this
>>>>>>>> division should address in the near future. yes, it was a shame
>>>>>>>> that a blind actress wasn't portrayed instead of having a sighted
>>>>>>>> portray this part. but, I believe that it was portrayed in a good
>>>>>>>> manner for the fact!  but, thanks for clarflying this and, I will
>>>>>>>> talk to you soon!
>>>>>>>> hugs,
>>>>>>>> amy
>>>>>>>>> On 4/21/18, Maria  via Perform-talk <perform-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I think it was a true shame that they did not hire a blind
>>>>>>>>> actress for this role.  I know many blind actresses auditioned
>>>>>>>>> and it was unfortunate
>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> they decided to go with a sighted actress.
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: Perform-talk [mailto:perform-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>>>> Behalf Of
>>>>>>>>> Amy
>>>>>>>>> Sabo via Perform-talk
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2018 7:35 PM
>>>>>>>>> To: Performing Arts Division list
>>>>>>>>> Cc: Amy Sabo
>>>>>>>>> Subject: [Perform-Talk] ncis episode on cbs
>>>>>>>>> hello all,
>>>>>>>>> sory, for the late notice but, I should've posted this to the
>>>>>>>>> list this past week but, due to personal issues in my life I do
>>>>>>>>> apologize for this late notice. as you all know this past
>>>>>>>>> Tuesday night on cbs ncis aired theepisode about a blind actress
>>>>>>>>> who happened to be blind aired. I didn't know if any of you
>>>>>>>>> caught this live or not which unfortunately, I didn't but, want to
>>>>>>>>> rewatch it or catch it online if
>>>>>>>>> any of you including myself missed it!   so, here is the link for
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> show which aired on april 17,2018
>>>>>>>>> https://www.cbs.com/shows/ncis/video/mxTPUJVOdiZQhNejJzjU2JfYalU
>>>>>>>>> FKY
>>>>> lL/ncis-sight-unseen
>>>>>>>>> in case you all didn't know what the episode was about or not
>>>>>>>>> before you watch it so, you know what it was all about here it is...
>>>>>>>>> •    NCIS - Sight Unseen
>>>>>>>>> Air Date: 04/17/18
>>>>>>>>> NCIS searches for a petty officer suspected of assault who
>>>>>>>>> escapes when the sheriff transporting him crashes into a lake.
>>>>>>>>> Also, Torres works closely with Annie Barth (Marilee
>>>>>>>>> Talkington), a key blind witness who heard vital evidence needed
>>>>>>>>> to solve the case. (TV-PG L,
>>>>>>>>> V)
>>>>>>>>> so, let's start some discussion on thistopic on this episode.
>>>>>>>>> and, I want to hear you guys input, opinions, or suggestions, or
>>>>>>>>> thoughts on what you all thought it if you watched it or not here on
>>>>>>>>> this list?
>>>>>>>>> so, I will begin with my 2 cents worth. I thought the episode
>>>>>>>>> was a very good way in blindness was portrayed in a humerous way
>>>>>>>>> even though this show is a drama but, it showed blindness in a
>>>>>>>>> positive manner but, i'm glad that the nfb got involved with
>>>>>>>>> this and, that thisd division was also involved in getting
>>>>>>>>> people to be a part of this craft as portraying actors in a
>>>>>>>>> positive manner of blindness.  I also thought I liked how she
>>>>>>>>> educated torris about blindness even he had some misconceptions
>>>>>>>>> and, that the other agents including gibbs didn't midjudge her
>>>>>>>>> or her abilities even though she was bblind.
>>>>>>>>> so, that's my 2 cents worth on this topic. so, let's keep the
>>>>> discussion
>>>>>>>>> going!
>>>>>>>>> hugs,
>>>>>>>>> amy
>>>>>>>>> /
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>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Take Care and God Bless
>>>>>>> Joseph S. Bundy
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>>>>>>> For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for
>>>>>>> salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to
>>>>>>> the Greek.-Romans 1:16 For we walk by faith, not by sight.-2
>>>>>>> Corinthians 5:7 Seeing that His divine power has granted to us
>>>>>>> everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true
>>>>>>> knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.-2
>>>>>>> Peter 1:3 Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength;
>>>>>>> They will bmount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not
>>>>>>> get tired, They will walk and not become weary.-Isaiah 40:31 Jesus
>>>>>>> said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one
>>>>>>> comes to the Father but through Me.-John 14:6 He must increase,
>>>>>>> but I must decrease.-John 3:30
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> -- 
> Julie A. McGinnity
> President, National Federation of the Blind Performing Arts Division,
> Second Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Missouri
> "For we walk by faith, not by sight"
> 2 Cor. 7
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