[Perform-Talk] Singing telegram

Eric Calhoun chargerdodger at pmpmail.com
Fri Apr 3 05:24:48 UTC 2020

Offering my services!  Please listen.

Hi, it's Eric.  How would you like to send a voice mail singing telegram
throughout Philmore Voice Mail?  Now, you can!  Please call 773-572-6258. 
When it answers, press the #, or number sign, say your name, say some
encouraging words, then sing your selection.  You can also play a musical
instrument, accompanying you.  It is free; I am paying for the mailbox. 
When you finish, press #, (pound sign), 2, 1, and 1.  Again?: 773-572-6258.
 All Federationists welcome!  Because everyone needs a pick-me-up!  Be
fine, and shine!


Eric from Los Angeles.  Friend, advocate, sportsman, sports fan.  Live
the life you want.  Never let prejudice step in your way.  Blindness should
not hold you back. Eric: chargerdodger at pmpmail.com.  And remember to be
good to each other!

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