[Perform-Talk] Facial Expressions and Gestures as a Blind Actor – Thursday, March 30, 8 PM Eastern!

Katelyn MacIntyre katelynmacmusic at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 19:09:49 UTC 2023

Hello Performers!
Do you ever wonder, how do you express yourself on stage? How can blind people authentically learn and create facial expressions, gestures, and body movement so we compete with our sighted peers? What tips and tricks have you learned to engage your audience and tell your story while performing? To discuss all these questions and more, join the National Federation of the Blind Performing Arts Division for our upcoming membership call all about facial expressions, gestures, and being comfortable in your body on stage. All are welcome, whatever your acting proficiency! We will hear from three experienced blind actors in varying stages of their careers, Madie Hendrix, Cristina Jones, and Katelyn MacIntyre, and there will be plenty of time for questions and to share your own ideas.

Thursday, March 30, 8 PM, Eastern, 5 PM, Pacific.

Zoom info:

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Meeting ID: 860 3233 9709
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Please share with a friend and let us know if you have any questions.

~Katelyn MacIntyre, M.M.
President, National Federation of the Blind Performing Arts Division

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