[Perform-Talk] 2024 Elections

National Federation Of The Blind Performing Arts Division nfbpad at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 16:01:26 UTC 2024

Hello all,
As many of you know, during our in person business meeting at the National Federation of the Blind National Convention in Orlando, Florida, we will be holding our biannual elections on Friday, July 5, at 1 PM. As of now, three of our current board members will be continuing to run for various offices, myself, Katelyn MacIntyre, and two of our current board members, Julia LaGrand and Elizabeth Rouse. However, we are looking to elect four new leaders to treasurer, and board positions 1, 2, and 3. Please consider running if you feel you are a fit based on the guidelines below. All positions will be elected this year.

If you wish to run for office, please note that you must be an active dues-paying member.
We are seeking hard-working, reliable, competent, passionate individuals who are excited about raising expectations for blind performers and promoting equality and opportunity across all levels of the entertainment industry.  We welcome professional and hobbyist performers and allies in our division. You must be willing to commit to a monthly 90 minute board meeting, bimonthly membership calls, and work diligently on other special projects throughout the year suited to your skills and interests. Please remember that not being on the board does not preclude you from working hard to further the aims of this division. You can accomplish just as much while being an active member as being on the board.

Board positions to be elected:
Vice President
Board positions one, two, and three

All board members are responsible for the duties traditionally associated with their offices. Additional information can be found through reading our constitution available on our website: https://nfb-pad.org/constitution

Please reach out to me if you have any questions, and please let someone on our board know if you plan to run.

Thank you very much, and let’s go build the National Federation of the Blind!

~Katelyn MacIntyre, M.M.
President, National Federation of the Blind Performing Arts Division
Twitter: @NFB_PAD

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