[Perform-Talk] Membership Reminders

NFB Performing Arts Division nfbpad at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 18:57:58 UTC 2024

Hello all,

 We hope you all are as excited as we are to be meeting in person in just
over 3 weeks at our annual business meeting, which will be on Friday, July
5, 2024 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time in Salon 2 on site at the Rosen
Centre in Orlando, Florida. As announced in a previous member email, we
have a couple reminders before the Performing Arts Division’s meeting.
Please read on to best prepare yourself to make an informed vote during our
business meeting, and to stay as involved with us as possible in person. As
you read through, please note we’ll be covering a brief reminder for annual
dues and elections for the board.

 Thank you to all who have already paid your $5 dues for this year. If you
have not yet done so, please make your way over to our web page where you
can update us with any new contact details, if applicable, as well as pay
your $5 dues so you can vote and take advantage of our member benefits,
both from the Performing Arts Division and the national movement as a
whole. Please note that although everyone should pay their dues as soon as
possible to ensure smooth registration at the business meeting, new members
to the Performing Arts Division (anyone who is not a member and has not
been since 2022) MUST pay dues by July 1st to be able to vote or run for

You can make your Paypal payment with the link below.
> www.paypal.me/nfbpad (http://www.paypal.me/nfbpad)

 Please pay $5.50 via Paypal to account for the service fee.
Please update any contact information with the member form link provided
 www.nfb-pad.org/member (http://www.nfb-pad.org/member)

 Active membership allows you to enjoy our quarterly Spotlight newsletter,
our monthly podcast, as well as our member calls and discussions. You will
also be eligible to vote within the division, in general elections and be
part of the greater Federation movement as a whole.

As announced earlier this month, we will be holding board elections in
July, and you must be current on your dues to run or vote. As previously
stated, members new to the division must pay dues by July 1 to vote.
Although anyone can pay dues and register at convention to join the
division, they will not be active members until after the business meeting,
so will not be allowed to vote.
 Please reach out to me or any other board member if you have any
questions, and please let someone on our board know if you plan to run. You
can email any of us with any of your questions or nominations at:
 nfbpad at gmail.com (mailto:nfbpad at gmail.com)

 Thank you very much, and let’s go build the National Federation of the

 ~Katelyn MacIntyre, M.M.
 President, National Federation of the Blind Performing Arts Division

 www.nfb-pad.org (http://www.nfb-pad.org/)

 www.facebook.com/PerformingArtsDivision (

 Twitter: @NFB_PAD

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